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  • First video I remember watching was a very calm until the pop scare, Amnesia video without face cam. That must have been a few years ago. May be.

  • I didn't cry but I felt really bad for the guy. The video where he took a small amount of that hot sauce. Really glad he took a small amount.

  • What your setup look like ?

    Wade D McGinnis - - Technology


    Imagine a green screen wall, two monitors, a mic, two consoles sitting atop each other. With two PC setups sitting next to each other. One for me and one for when friends show or when I need to render while still wanting to play.

  • What do you bros look like?

    Wade D McGinnis - - Real Life


    I wish I could say my face is secret lol. Sadly it's posted all over twitch and youtube so yea. haha

  • Twitch and Youtube?

    Wade D McGinnis - - Help


    Find games you want to share with your viewers! Whether they have story, hours of game play, does not matter because you are sharing your experience with others!

  • I loved Guardians of the Galaxy and Edge of Tomorrow however I have to say the BEST movie I have seen this year was How To Train Your Dragon 2! Guys and gals, I cried! Man tears! Everything about the movie is done with a level of execution that you do not get to see in an animated movie, let alone a live action.

  • Far enough into the distant future where space travel is accessible while still being mysterious.

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition

    Wade D McGinnis - - Games


    I love the Dragon Age series, I even enjoyed the politics of Dragon Age 2 however after hearing about microtransactions, I will wait for the title to drop in price. I had it pre-order but I canceled after hearing about this new feature. I cannot endorse such a policy at full price, regardless of it only affecting multiplayer. I may rent the title but until it really has a drop, 45 to 55% off, I just cannot support Bioware's decision.

  • Favorite main character?

    Wade D McGinnis - - Other


    - Nathan Drake - Hidemitsu Samanosuke Akechi - Lara Croft - Kuzo

  • Best games you have ever played

    Wade D McGinnis - - Other


    Jade Cocoon and Final Fantasy 9. Both captured my imagination as a child and really conveyed adult themes of lost, love, and hardship without turning them into a gimmick or adjusting them to make it child friendly.

  • What Are You Listening To?

    Wade D McGinnis - - Chat Box


    Just found this today. Been listening to it for a while now, very well done remix!

  • Sorta sounds like you are fishing for female companionship haha. Not making fun well little bit. Just comes off as either odd or creepy, little bit. I can see the logic of getting into disagreements with other gamers but I doubt having a woman play with you would mitigate that just because of the sex of the gamer. Either way, good luck! It can be a real pain looking for level headed gamers sometimes if you can't actually talk to them in person.

  • Quote from Silence: “Quote from Wade D McGinnis: “While having the main team would be nice, I am curious to see what Del Toro and Kojima do on their own.” 1- I'll be honest, I think Kojima doesn't know a thing about SH, and the franchise has a back story that ties every game, and nobody seems to know about it . 2- Del Toro said that the last thing he does when he has to create creatures or characters is looking at other people's work, he may be designing friggin zombies that don't have any meani…

  • Quote from Okuu: “Quote from Wade D McGinnis: “While having the main team would be nice, I am curious to see what Del Toro and Kojima do on their own.” No faith in Del Toro, just look what happened to Mama.” Personally I enjoyed the adaptation of Mama. The movie captured the scares and the humor of the short film. However the script, written and directed by the original creators, could have had a few more revisions to either make a few details more obscure to let fans decide or connect them to g…

  • While having the main team would be nice, I am curious to see what Del Toro and Kojima do on their own.

  • Darkwood

    Wade D McGinnis - - Games


    Recently I have been getting into a game I help fund back when it was on IndieGoGo, Darkwood. This is from a brand indie developer named Acid Wizard. For their first game this has a lot of game mechanics to keep you interested for at least twenty hours. That's how far I have gotten into the game and I am still playing. What is it though? A top down, survival horror where the world is randomly generated at the start of a new game. You are tasked with going out during the day to find resources, su…

  • Rise of Nightmares

    Wade D McGinnis - - Bro Corner


    I have not seen any new footage. Wonder if a petition of some kind will sway him into playing some more?

  • I was a game journalist first before going into video production. Essentially what started my passion for making content was from a contest CD Projekt Red created. For the Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Xbox 360 release, they were looking for 1000 reviewers to do a video review of the game. The lucky winners would be given a week before release plus have their review highlighted on the website and finally be given a special thank you letter written on parchment. I already had the game on PC and tr…

  • Use this down time, where you have very little views to build your ability to talk. Because if you can carry a conversation by yourself, when you do start building a following, you will be entertaining, enthusiastic, or whatever it is you are going for. Then this will catch on. The biggest thing is you need to be authentic, be you and make sure you highlight that. The more natural you appear, the more often your individual traits will come out. I am not talking about being shy or uncertain at fi…

  • Largest Video yet...

    Wade D McGinnis - - Content Creation


    After editing.... the largest I had was an Indie Wednesday episode of A Story About My Uncle, around 3.4 GB.