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  • Loosing a close pet.

    angolmois147 - - Real Life


    Sorry about your dog, and everyone else's pet. I lost my dog, Lighting due to kidney failure almost four months ago. He was 15(old for a beagle) and lost one of his legs the year before. It's tough to realize that there gone for the first few days(or months) but hopefully you see that they aren't suffering anymore and should sort of just look back on all the happy memories.

  • This is the hardest question for me... If I have to pick a favorite it'll be All Time Low images <img src="" alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQgRCQqx0UrQuT2gCG4ebXQZvGHdf0ZR2YRSRep3rOkhs3Ffbe-" title="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQgRCQqx0UrQuT2gCG4ebXQZvGHdf0ZR2YRSRep3rOkhs3Ffbe-" style="font-size: 0.8em;" /> I mean what's not to love? :thumbsup:

  • Illness/Diseases You Have?

    angolmois147 - - Real Life


    A.D.D: (attention deficit disorder) I don't have a severe case, but I find it extremely hard in school to focus on lectures that last 25 or more minutes Scoliosis: It's a spinal problem where your spine is curved instead of straight. I have a somewhat bad case of it, since I had to wear a backbrace from the age of 4 to 6. Anorexia: I assume most people know what it is.. I mentioned how I had a backbrace through kindergarten to first grade? I was made fun of and call fat and ugly, so as a child I…

  • Where are you from? ;)

    angolmois147 - - Chat Box


    New Jersey(USA) (Hidden Content)

  • Iris colors

    angolmois147 - - Real Life


    imagesSo...yep that's my eye

  • I when I play games I listen to music that is totally unrealated Skyrim-Cady Grooves Dragon Age- 3 Doors Down or Cher Llyod Persona- My Chemical Romance FFVII- Toy-Box- Superstar Mass Effect- All Time Low or Mayday Parade Other games- Nevershoutnever :)

  • Coffee and Cigarettes are my only escape. I got my cup of Joe, my pack of stokes, And I'm on my way downtown, to Set up shop, and sing my cares away. So, won't you sing with me, 'Cause it's cold outside, and I'm feeling kinda lonely. Friday nights are always the same in this town. I'm looking up, but I'm feeling kind of down. So, I'll light this cigarette and smoke the night away, And I'll hope that Saturday will be the day When everything feels okay. Ba da da da Ba da da da da Ba da da da da da…

  • Weird skills & Quirks

    angolmois147 - - Real Life


    I'm really good with instruments and can make really sarcastic comments in a moments notice...The internet has taught me well . Oh and I can pop my shoulders in out.

  • Though, Biowares currently making it (I think?) I would love to play Dragon Age 3. Also Persona 5

  • I could go on and on (I admit it, I'm a coward.) Here some of the Spiders- When I was little my aunt gave me her old doll house, and it was really old victorian almost. One day when I was playing a spider the size of half my fist(currently) came out. Soooo yepp no spiders for me. Clowns- My brother who is 5yrs older than me showed me "Pennywise" at a young age... Darkness-I've read too many creepy pastas and watched to many horror movies before bed. I also fear moving in the dark. I cannot get u…

  • Worst way to go?

    angolmois147 - - Real Life


    Having something done to face or back or someplace you can't see. You could feel it but have know clue what it is. I would freak out really really bad if I die that way...or anything with bugs or water...WATERBUGS worst combo EVER...

  • Is it weird...

    angolmois147 - - Real Life


    Yeah, it's find to talk to yourself. I do myself maybe sometimes without realizeing it but y'know its normal. When no ones there while I a play a game I pretend I'm talking to an audince, it helps calm me down and startigize stuff...that actually sounds a bit creepy when I think about it, but "to all his own." right?

  • My name

    angolmois147 - - Real Life


    My name sort of brings out the anime nerd/gamer in me. Angol I had gotten called from winning a game with some old friends. It comes from an anime(Sgt. Frog) so does Mois.(means world destroyer... :whistling: ) Mois has the combination of Sgt. Frog and Disgaea 3's Mao. For the 147 part, when I started playing basketball my first year I was #7 and the year after that #14 so I just combined that two, ^^

  • Mine was Spyro 1 for the PS Age:4 or 5

  • Aquarius. While I was reading it I was thinking "Wow,.. my life is a stereotype...COOL!"

  • I've been playing the clarinet for 5 yrs, guitar for 3 yrs, and piano for 7 yrs.