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  • Recording Issues with 'To The Moon!'

    Zalarox - - Help


    Bandicam perhaps?

  • iOS games!?

    Zalarox - - Suggestions


    Android is better, Pewds. *disappointed*. Try something which has a story. If you're thinking of recording these games, you won't get much of a choice with smartphones. Usually the games are a good past-time, and that's about it. Rarely would you find a game like Year Walk which you can actually play and which suits your style.

  • I know you're probably very busy, but it'll be great to have an update on this!

  • Years ago, there used to be a game on the PC. It's back from the time when XP was cool (not going as far as win98...). Anyway, so this game had very... dull sort of colour. It was a game which had playable characters. You could explore and walk around, third-person view, and switch characters any time. It had a boy, a girl, and a baby which we could play with. I've always wanted to find that game again, since I barely remember what happened in it, and for the sake of nostalgia. The graphics were…

  • What made you become a Bro?

    Zalarox - - Chat Box


    About ~2 years ago I stumbled across his channel and watched a few of Penumbra videos. I thought he was funny, but I never really subscribed. I wasn't that into horror games, and was doing other stuff. Meh. Sometime later I subscribed, but didn't always keep up. I watched when I had the time. Then a few months later, I found out his channel went viral. I both hated and embraced the change, but yeah... It's never the same anymore I guess. Now he's a phenomenon. x_x I'll always find it weird.

  • Looking good. I might check into more videos later.

  • I'd say for someone to vlog with, get an IRL friend (unless you're forever alone <3), and as for tips on vlogging - watch some other vloggers. Take note of the little things. See how they interact. Good luck.

  • Quote from Orioned: “Quote from wulfsok: “Sure thing. I'll most likely make a longr track than 7-13 seconds, and you should use volume envelopes/automation in your DMW. Thank you for the concerns, and you worded that fine. I'll get to work.” Hey! Just coming to check up and see how you are doing. Also to see if you are still doing well and healthy. ;P” Well, he's probably still working on my track whenever he can. So he probably hasn't started yours :P. But hey, he's doing it for free I guess. H…

  • To be honest, I'd really appreciate the Tapatalk support back.

  • Improving FPS [ Help ]

    Zalarox - - Help


    No. RAM affects your computer's capibility to multitask. 4GB RAM is more than enough for MOST of the gamers and general users, in my opinion. I feel like anything over 8GB is a waste (in case of gaming, of course RAM matters in some other things - but you don't have to care for it). Your GPU/Video Card/Graphics Card is what will mainly affect your FPS at this moment. Having a quick glance at your processor, it seems very capable, more than enough for most games. Even your graphics card is very g…

  • Nintendo_Super_Famicom_in_box.jpg It was fun when I was little.

  • How do you do spoilers??

    Zalarox - - Help


    It's easy. For spoiler tags Source Code (3 lines) (Hidden Content) (Hidden Content) To upload screenshots, use a site like imgur, tinypic etc. and use the following tags Source Code (1 line) to resize the image according to your convinience Source Code (1 line) where x and y are whole numbers and are measured in pixels. Good luck! If you need more help, google BBCode tags.

  • Looking for a something specific.

    Zalarox - - Other


    If you haven't already seen a playthrough of it/played it, the crooked man has a great story. Otherwise, try "Company of Myself" (flash, philosophical). Or maybe "Coma".

  • The Crooked Man! Please, help me... :(

    Zalarox - - Help


    I didn't get any such errors while playing through the game myself. Try redownloading the game, extracting it out in one folder, and playing it again. Maybe transfer the data save file, but if it's a problem with the save itself, you might have to start over. Try compatibility modes, perhaps? I'm lost, since it worked flawlessly for me.

  • Oh my bad. XD Like I said, no hurries! I just wanted to make sure you're still... doing this. Lol. Anyway, I've replied to your guestbook entry. Thanks!

  • I'm in no hurry, but you're still doing this right? It's been a while since you updated.

  • Video Memory and Laptop GPUs

    Zalarox - - Technology


    Quote from karlsanada10: “The best gpu card that you could get is 660m and 670m. Most of the time, those mobile gpu are paired with Intel i7 3rd gen which can play most games @high. The catch is, the laptop easily overheats after a couple of hours of full load so you have to have a good cooler and a running aircon to cool it off. 640m is a good card that can play most games @ low-medium settings. AA is one of the settings that really hurt FPS so try to disable that.” I wish I could, but I can't …

  • Video Memory and Laptop GPUs

    Zalarox - - Technology


    Hey fellow bros. Now I've been thinking of buying a laptop, but there's something troubling me. The video cards. I know "laptops aren't made for gaming" and shit, doesn't mean I can't have a good GPU, does it? Well I need the best I can get. Basically I've been looking at two excellent options I have. Nvidia 630M (1gb) OR AMD Radeon HD 7670 (1gb/2gb, I have a choice depending on the model I choose). EDIT: A really good other option I have is a nvidia 640M, with 2gb. This seems to surpass the oth…

  • What type of ram card do I need?

    Zalarox - - Technology


    4GB RAM is more than enough for all the usual stuff you do (you have that right now). If you ***WANT*** to upgrade it, go upto 8GB, but no furthur. If you want better gaming performance, then you're looking to upgrade your Video Card/Graphics Card/GPU. Same thing, different names.

  • If you're feeling down.

    Zalarox - - Archive


    Quote from Guest_1001: “I don't know whether to smile or cry.” ^ I don't even know. XD