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  • No no no no no. Couldn't do it. I still don't understand the whole idea of murdering murderers so they stop murdering. Doesn't that kinda make you a murderer in a sense?

  • Shamefull Interests

    Chips - - Real Life


    Im not necessarily ashamed of mine I'm sort of proud of them. Its just other people would be ashamed of me. I really love soundtrack music and I have over 1000 songs in the genre. I really like Taylor Swift. I also love anime music and some J-Rock and J-Pop. I've seen basically every episode of every Disney Channel show. (ok I'm ashamed partially of that one) I actually liked the Batman & Robin movie with George Clooney as Batman. And Kung Fu Panda is pretty freaking awesome. I dont know what to…

  • If you could live anywhere...?

    Chips - - Real Life


    I have a few ideas 1.Seattle, Washington- There's lots of rain and clouds 2.New York, New York- for the same reason but its a larger city and stuff. 3. The U.K.- more specifically England and for the same reason plus it would be like not America and there'd be different stuff. 4.Tokyo, Japan- not for rain but for the culture, which seems so cool and amazing. Well I've discovered I love rain and clouds and that I'm not very good with describing things.

  • Attack On Titan!

    Chips - - Chat Box


    Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! One of the best animes I've ever seen! Die Flügel der Freiheit

  • What's your favorite HORROR game...

    Chips - - Other


    The original Dead Space. It has this very creepy sense of adventure since you don't know what's on the ship. And it's actually one of the darkest games created so that really adds to it. I don't know if it's dark because of bad graphics or what, but it's pretty freakin dark!

  • My Weakness...-.- shameful...

    Chips - - Real Life


    Doors can be very annoying. I understand why you don't like doors because they aren't easy to instantly know which ones to push and which ones to pull. Plus at my school we have the heaviest doors in possibly all of existence so I don't like opening them myself. You should try walking behind a person so they have to open the door first, it usually works for me.

  • What is YOUR favorite Band/Genre?

    Chips - - Chat Box


    Well my favourite genre is..........soundtrack. Most people barely know what it means and It sometimes is more amazing than the media it was created for. ANd I might have over 1000 songs of it and I may be slightly oBseSsEd but whatever.

  • Favorite Anime?

    Chips - - Chat Box


    Sword Art Online and Code Lyoko!!!!!

  • Neverending Nightmares

    Chips - - Other


    Hey everyone in the Bro community I don't know if this is in the right section so sorry if so. But I want to try and tell people to look at Neverending Nightmares on Kickstarter. If you haven't already (if you haven't you're insane) go watch Pewdiepie play the game because it seems like an amazingly fun side-scrolling, indie, horror game that is so different from many games with its 2D drawn graphics and exploration of a purely physiological horror based on hiding and using stealth and solving p…

  • Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs story got to me, it was very soul destroying. Oh and the ending of LoZ: Twilight Princess every time.

  • What is the most valuable that you have?

    Chips - - Real Life


    I would say probably my morals. Because without those I wouldn't be who I am. Our morals construct our character and who we are and how we treat others. So without them I wouldn't be a good person at all. I appreciate them a lot.

  • Favorite Band?

    Chips - - Real Life


    My favourite band is definitely Skillet since they are able to connect with people on real problems in life. But I also really love Anamanaguchi just because of how it's so freaking awesome and the most positive sounding music I have ever heard.

  • What do you bros do when you're sad?

    Chips - - Real Life


    Aggressively listen to Skillet, Watch Youtube videos, sit in silence and think. And on the some occasions cry. That sounds typical.

  • Hmmmm, well for easiest I would say Gohma from Ocarina of Time Really one of the easiest bosses ever created. queen_gohma_pic.jpg (now who's got arachnophobia? Because this could just make it worse) Most annoying would be Girahim from Skyward Sword. I mean you fight him three times plus I had no Idea at the time on how to avoid his way of blocking. Ghirahim-Screen-Large.jpg (You're wearing a bit tooo much eye make up) And hardest boss, This one I still have not beaten. Its Queen Myrrah and her T…

  • Older Games that you still play??

    Chips - - Other


    Well I just regained a Nintendo 64 (i sold mine for no reason and regret the decision a lot). So gaming nostalgia is a lot for me right now. But any Zelda game I can find or really any old Nintendo game.

  • Episode on a show that made you cry

    Chips - - Chat Box


    Vincent and the Doctor from Doctor Who. I don't know why I guess it was just Van Gogh's happiness at the end and finally knowing he wasn't a failure. And The Snowmen, because that was when I realized just how lonely the Doctor is.

  • Best: any Lord of the rings or Hobbit movie. Or Studio Ghibli movies. worst: Pitch Perfect, it shouldn't of been allowed to be a movie.

  • Strange text file

    Chips - - Chat Box


    That my friend is really really really freaking creepy!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't understand it either and now I wish I didn't.

  • You gave your opinion in a really great and nice way. And I have been subscribed since he was around 2 mil but I wold watch man of his videos before that (I thought youtube subscriptions were like something you had to pay for). But yes his videos have changed slightly because of his extremely large fan base and now a lot of them are little kids. But in his strategy and horror games I remember just watching and laughing at him getting scared and confused on parts, I loved to see him just walk aro…

  • Best game of all time?

    Chips - - Chat Box


    Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time I have played this game multiple times unlike the other Zelda titles which I have beat only once or twice. image8-495x346.jpg