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  • Can a Girl be a bro?

    GamerDragonfly - - Archive


    Of course you are a 'bro' You can be anything if you want A bro, sheep, potato.. cute dog whatever We're all like a bis family am I right?

  • Video Quality Help?

    GamerDragonfly - - Help


    I wouldn't say that your settings are wrong. I load up videos in 720p too and for me it's good enough. Which fps settings do you use in fraps to recording?

  • What mic's do you use?

    GamerDragonfly - - Technology


    Thx Maybe the Yeti I will see how much money I get at work

  • What mic's do you use?

    GamerDragonfly - - Technology


    Hello everyone, did you guys know any good mic's? I use my headset but I want to buy anotherone because it's not that good (quality).

  • No.

    GamerDragonfly - - Help


    I don't think that you can get 500.000 subs while this shoutout. Only because of Pewds show some of them doesn't mean that they get so many subs more^^ I guess if your channel is good and people like your videos, they'll come without this d: Don't be sad because you got removed. Life is more than youtube my friend

  • I use the windows movie maker And you can import the .wmv file then

  • Fraps ???!!!!

    GamerDragonfly - - Help


    I record with 25 frames and "Half-size". After about 15 min. of recording they're like 4 gb. And then cut and stuff in Adobe Primere and converting and rendering with the h.264 code After that it's about 500mb big

  • My youtube channel!

    GamerDragonfly - - Archive


    Long videos, very good quality, symphathic guy.. I really like your channel! Subbed and keep beeing amazing!

  • Way to less subscribers :O I subbed because I think you're a great lets player and you play random games. Not d´the same than other youtubers play Really like it

  • I really enjoy your Videos They're preety cool Subbed :3 And "Schöne Grüsse aus Hessen ;)"

  • The big problem with "life"

    GamerDragonfly - - Real Life


    Yeah you're right I did thinking about that (Who not?) But mostly I get depressed when I think about it xD Well people on Tumblr see me feelings :3 I don't have anyone to talk about it. But I think it would help a bit^_^ To the "Life is limited" think I have to say that I'm going to enjoy my life and make a list (Do you guys know the movie "The bucket list"? Awesome movie!) with things I really want to do before I go

  • Good games to play?

    GamerDragonfly - - Other


    Pls no Minecraft >_> Everybody is playing it and it gets reallyyy boring now.. What about Alan Wake? I freakin love this game

  • Xbox 360 Gamer Tags

    GamerDragonfly - - Find Player 2



  • You are you. Don't change for anyone. If you change yourself for another person, you don't will be happy with that. People have to like YOU and not the person they wish you are (Hope you can understand me^ ^) I don't have a gf either but I'm happy to be myself

  • Play together?

    GamerDragonfly - - Archive


    Hello everyone Find somebody to play with. I search someone or maybe a couple of you to play (no recording) together My games: Battlefield 3, Minecraft, Dota 2 and some others. Maybe some of you are interessted to play with each other Greetz

  • Help.. Too shy to speak :/

    GamerDragonfly - - Other


    The idea with the english friends is such a good idea Thanks for all the help bros! You're awesome

  • ⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ Just one I don't know much about you but we can change this if you want

  • Poets of the fall (Alan Wake) And random stuff

  • What Should I Do???

    GamerDragonfly - - Help


    I wouldn't tell my friends from this ^ ^ Comment on many Videos (Not: Hey would you sub meh?; People don't like this) Just comment. It would be great if you would play some older stuff. Most Let's players are playing the new "hot" games so smaller youtubers doesn't have any chance. I subbed because your videos are in my opinion very good. At all I'm an unknown youtuber so I don't can really give you any good tips sry:\

  • Intro Or No Intro?

    GamerDragonfly - - Content Creation


    Longest intro I've ever seen was 1 1/2 minute long... I just sometimes have intros but then short ones (8 sec) You don't need any intro I guess^^ Just welcome the youtubers who watch the video