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  • Music Request

    stumppi - - Content Creation


    Finnish musician here, Here's my recreation of the song including all the elements of the original. I'm willing to work on possible changes if necessary(mixing or composition), I'm quite fast at recording & production side. Name: Manu Mäkinen email: (Hidden Content) Youtube w*hore: (Hidden Content)

  • Shout Out Competition #3

    stumppi - - Other


    Name: Manu Mäkinen Channel name: Manu Youtube video: (Hidden Content) Quick Description: Finnish musician, 2000+ subscribers. I submit videos every week. I put effort to the sound and video quality and I usually play a lot more than one instrument in each video. Covers, medleys and original songs. I'm also planning a new funny recurring show called "Lyrically Musing" on my channel, where I analyze stupid pop lyrics as if they are poetic masterpieces.

  • Pokémon In Real Life?!

    stumppi - - Videos


    You're actually so talented with PS! These work kind of like tutorials at the same time


    stumppi - - Videos


    That was a beautiful ending with the Wayward Son. Pure art pewds


    stumppi - - Videos


    I was a bit high and wasn't ready for the helium shark, I instantly felt like underwater and started to doubt my existence. Cool idea for a video series!

  • Manu's channel

    stumppi - - Other

    Post active for years, 500+ subs Description: I do all kind of music related videos and I try to be innovative(fun fact#1: I was one of the first - if not the first- to make a screaming sheep remix). I put effort to quality and enjoy making videos so much! Remixes(one pewdiepie-remix as well), Covers, Original music and medleys, lots of game music as well(fun fact #2: I did music for one Amnesia cs called Solid Sacrifice which Cry happened to play and also like). I hope you f…

  • [Official] BARRELS

    stumppi - - Suggestions


    This was a fun map! But god is he SLOW ;D I guess it is part of the thing here...

  • This would be soooo awesome to see live

  • This was rather pleasing to watch! I was entertained. And that's the main point. Only thing (which is the thing with almost every commentator) is that try to avoid things pewdiepie has said It's hard but it just doesn't sound natural when other one is shouting run like a boss or something like that. And this is just heads up, you didn't annoy me. And own style will evolve eventually...