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  • Hmm...

    Ktsjr15 - - Find Player 2


    I would say, work on the community aspect more than anything else. The issue is, there have been so many people trying to create channels and websites like this to help build up and actively grow the smaller people that it just falls apart from lack of motivation or personal growth. I think it would be cool to create a community that instead of just giving them subs and exposure, teaches them a age old saying. "Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a night. Teach a man to fish, and he can feed …

  • Might as well

    Ktsjr15 - - Find Player 2


    Age: 20 Location: United States Content: I do a wide variety of games from simple Childhood classics to what im hoping to expand in, Co-Op games. Unfortunately I never have anyone to play them with. Im hoping to find someone around my age with a bit of interest in doing ALOT of multiplayer gameplay and recording sessions, but I can never seem to find someone interesting or fun enough to hang out with, and when I do they are never on. Just message me on Youtube if you wanna collab or just hang o…

  • Quote from Bundyclan: “Usually , I'd help in this case but atm, I just can't afford the time. Maybe when it's over and you stay on the forum we can do something about it, k ?” Right, just shoot me a message or something later if you want to try and help. I apologize for wasting your time good sir, and thank you for trying to work and help me with my issue.

  • Quote from Bundyclan: “If you only got that much sub over that time that means people are not interested in it. But if that's the case please read the following: Cirno's Youtube 101 [Read this if you want to improve/grow your channel] And never think about suicide. And don't even joke with it. Good luck!” Well, it wasn't entirely a joke. But I went there, looked at the list, and I compared it to my channel and I literally am missing two things. Luck, and Thumbnails. And I don't entirely think pe…

  • Quote from Bundyclan: “This shoutout is for those who have been struggling for a longer time on youtube, making quality videos and yet not getting any recognition.” Right, excuse me while I mention ive had a YouTube channel before this, which I worked on for three years and got nowhere. Along with a YouTube channel before that which got nowhere(And personally I hated it), that's where the Trinity comes from in KronosTrinity. But if you could understand, as I said, this is a last resort. Im borde…

  • Yeah

    Ktsjr15 - - Other


    Same here, except I got put out for having 64 subs. It doesn't entirely matter I guess, but I don't get what the point of a shoutout is if you have to have 100 subs. Some people, like me for instance, are relying on YouTube to make it somewhere. I can't reach the 100 Subs mark, and if I could I wouldn't need help. It's depressing really.

  • Hmm actually.

    Ktsjr15 - - Find Player 2


    I was looking for a bro or two to record borderlands or half-life 2 with. I can record on my own side and such.