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  • Hello! I don't know if you're aware or not but there's an "unofficial" subreddit for the game with ~1'000 members. /r/TuberSimulator/ There're good posts, suggestion, ideas and bug reports on it. If you want to check it out!

  • Report an error

    Waz - - PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator


    Hello! Each time I restart the app, I can publish my room again and will have the notifications for the events. Does it mean that my room publication fails or is it to update my entry?

  • Hello! As a broke student, I want to present my "cheap studio" where I work, eat and sleep! XgroTA6.jpg Furnitures are waaay too expensive for me and there's something warmhearting in cardboard that I particularly love. EwrhxN0.jpg TBH all I said was bulls**t... My drinking addiction and cardboard fantasy are just ruining me... XgKzsO9.jpg PLZ send help. PS: Game ID_: DanglingMeat PS 2 : My old room on /r/tubersimulator on Reddit PS 3 : Don't ask where I poo..