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  • Account name is Potatoppings 636066374864575833311974689_All+hail+the+potato+king+i+am+the+potato+king+and+this_3f62f9_4918463.png I'll try and add as many ppl as I can going backwards through the pages!

  • RPG MAKER competition

    Potatopolis - - Content Creation


    Gameplay_0_1.png For Game, click here. Your father, the Death Lord, has watched over the Lower Kingdom of Hellburn since its conception. In recent years, however, he finally reached the end of his life. Now before you go on asking "But how does Death die?", just remember, THIS IS JUST A GAME. The power of story compels you! And obvious plot holes. In his final moments, your father imparted his final wish upon you that you would rule the Lower Kingdom as the new heir. Determined, you took his pla…

  • Greenscreen Competition!

    Potatopolis - - Content Creation


    Here is my addition to the PEWDIEPIE GREENSCREEN COMPETITION It's a combination of parody, trailer, and absolute garbage. I made sure to keep it short and sweet, like an Asian's...................... ....... ......................parents. Enjoy.