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  • What's your internet speed?

    EDMango - - Technology


    I got decent inernet, I guess 5088555102.png

  • Looking For Music!

    EDMango - - Content Creation


    Hey Pewds, I am not an artist myself, but as a youtube promotor I usually find a lot of kind of different music. So I would like to make a recommendation instead. I would recommend Built By Titan's music, he allows people to use their music on youtube if you reach out to him first and ask for permission. (Dude Perfect is one of the channels that uses his music on youtube) One of his tracks: Contact for permission [email protected]

  • Songs stuck in your head

    EDMango - - Media


    For a long time on replay now

  • DON'T sub4sub, people ussually bring up things like consistency, tags, quality, and yes those things help (a lot). But ultimately it's all about luck to get traffic to your channel and thus subscribers if upload quality videos. It's almost like trying to win a lottery For tags: this might be helpfull(or maybe not) to check if people search for certain keywords:

  • Favorite YouTube Channels?

    EDMango - - Media


    Pewdiepie GradeAUnderA MrSuicideSheep Nik Cooper Markiplier LevelCapGaming Nightcore Reality XfactorGaming

  • Shoutout Competition

    EDMango - - Other


    yeah, I somehow missed this competition too :(, now I can't even enter(even though the chance of winng this quite damn low with so many nice channels). Ah well, I hope I won't miss a shout-out competition next time, if he ever does one