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  • Ask The Person Below You

    kurri - - Chat Box


    I'd prefer to dance behind allot of artists since I am a dancer but being an actor would be for sure second option if I had all the sources to get there. would you rather eat a twix or a snicker?

  • Shoutout Competition

    kurri - - Other


    big congrats to all the winners! better luck next time if ever for all of us runner ups

  • Quote from MeliZbeauty: “In reality, I think its all about the leap you must take in going to another youtuber who has the same amount as subs or more, and asking to Collab. It doesn't hurt to tweet other youtubers, and ask to collab. Whats the worst they can do? say no? if they do move on and try again. Talking to your comment section also helps, if they like you,they will start recommending your videos to other people. I think I was at about 500 subs when I got my first Fanart, and 1,000 for F…

  • What are your New Year's resolutions?

    kurri - - Chat Box


    connect more with my subscribers, make new YouTube friends (ima loner sadly so collaborating with someone would be nice), dance more , be more consistent with uploads and to be more happy.

  • Shoutout Competition

    kurri - - Other


    Quote from MissFushi: “The amazing thing is that if you were really focused on your channel's growth and enjoyed doing it, then it would not matter how long the results took. If you need validation through Pewdiepie to keep making videos, then you're not meant to make videos. To be honest I found entering the contest to be very helpful. I started to take a step back and evaluate my channel. At first I thought 'What would Pewds find wrong...' and that turned into 'What would make it better to me?…