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  • RPG MAKER competition

    KillingTheFly - - Content Creation


    Oh my god I didn't sleep for this I hope it's worth it: Probably not even like 10 minutes. Just jokes and stuff. RPG Whore The fynebros tries to take over the world with their copyright system and the it's up to pewdiepie to decide what is going to happen to world. A quest to save the fynebros kingdom or destroy it A tale about "is it really easy to lose your job if you make youtube videos" Project1.exe - Google Drive I think you need to run as administrator. I am gonna sleep now.


  • Top poster of the month, I am guessing pewdiepie will give you an award for that like gold post button or something.

  • I might not be good signer or good at photoshop. I know you are not really into game of thrones but this the theme so maybe you could listen the theme before this.

  • What's your internet speed?

    KillingTheFly - - Technology



  • A B B C probably because pewds was indecisive about ken and marzia told him to pick ken so I guess we can say ken it's not really supported. I guess I can go with D4 Step up your game man, it's literally easy mode.

  • You can delete this thread, It was just something I misunderstood about broken podcast.

  • Shoutout Competition

    KillingTheFly - - Other


    Sub/view ratio is not going good for me, but not because I cheated, mainly because of a video that got half a million views and I guess I can call it a promotion mistake on the wrong platform. I don't think most watched person on the platform cares about views of someone who's going to give shout out but I hope he doesn't judge too quickly about this. If he already didn't of course. Anyway there is not much to do but wishing everyone good luck at this point, so good luck everyone.

  • PewDiePie: Stop Caring

    KillingTheFly - - Bro Corner


    Basically how this is going: Pewds: I would appreciate if you don't tell me what to do and enjoy or respect what I am currently doing Fans: STOP CARING just kidding, I think you're mostly right

  • Shoutout Competition

    KillingTheFly - - Other


    Quote from RadiCarl: “42M subs would also be a kinda strange "milestone" to hit. Don't you think? But wait a minute, what was the answer to life the universe and everything now again?! Stay rad everybody and he'll announce it when he announces it /RadiCarl P.S. it's 42 ” Hah, that's one way to look at it, I am not sure if pewds is interested in hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy but I remember falling whales in the legend of brofist and in a video of goat simulator he made y…

  • Quote from SteliosGame: “Well yeah of course many have some great secrets for sure success why would they share them? I'm sure most of them have the factor of having even a small following so they can work though. Even if you have a potentially viral video probably other small youtubers like you wouldn't share it for exposure like non-youtubers would. ” I've never said they should share them but even if they have super secret , timing is everything and probably those "secrets" wouldn't work out …

  • My priority is marry to my girlfriend and take her away from her oppressive family after that I am not even sure.

  • I have been searching an answer to that question for years. Even semi-viral video didn't help as much as I though. Most of the time people just upload videos and pretend and hope someone is watching so I guess either a lot of youtubers keep their secrets with their Mexicans in the secret closet or the other obvious answer, they use magic.

  • Shoutout Competition

    KillingTheFly - - Other


    Quote from youarekitten: “I like editing in general, especially the creative side of it. The only thing that I find challenging is when you have to do some stuff like synchronising sound files with the video files, or eliminating the clipping, it's not really creative and very time consuming and I am sort of lazy to learn the smart ways of doing that XD ” Just clap your hands at the start of the video and synch the audio.

  • Shoutout Competition

    KillingTheFly - - Other


    Quote from Faebulous: “I dunno, I also enjoy editing quite a lot... ... well, at least when I have some silly ideas to put into the videos (personal record until now was editing a 1.5 hour video down to 20 minutes. Over an hour of it was a boss fight I just wasn't able to finish, so I decided to cut together all the moments I died and cursed and overlay them with some silly music. That alone took about 4 hours xD) But editing a lot isn't as necessary as many think imho; look at jacksepticeye: Al…

  • Shoutout Competition

    KillingTheFly - - Other


    After all those years... It's all coming to an end... I just realized I am writing a trailer for the last movie of an any sequel THIS WINTER! You are not going to believe your eyes! On a mission they weren't expected to survive.. They probably going to survive because this is a shoutout competition. From the people who brought you the brofist Based on a true story. I used every cliche line I know, at this point I am just going to sit down and wait in my dark room until competition is over.

  • Respect ladies Earn money.

  • Yes like I want to read books but I also want to make videos or watch videos on youtube I am really a indecisive person.

  • I like food in general.