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  • Shoutout competition issue

    someguydudeGAME - - Bro Corner


    Probably. I've seen folks around begging all of their followers to rush the boards and hit the like button on theirs as if it were a popular vote. It's a shame, but don't let it bother you. Doesn't really make a difference, so let them if they want. It's all good.

  • It's a slow path, man. Remember that everyone started off small, there was a day when Pewds and Mark had zero subscribers and no one was watching them. It's all about plugging along, making the best content you can. Like Melcadrien said, you have to find out who you are, what makes watching you different than watching others. Find your voice and you'll find an audience. It might not be millions and millions, but it'll be there. If it helps, I always tell people to watch Yamimash's 1mil subscribe…

  • Shout Out Competition #3

    someguydudeGAME - - Other


    Name: Zach Channel name: SomeGuyDudeGAME Video! (Hidden Content) Quick description: Just under a year here, doing mostly LP's with a focus on indie and horror (surprise!). Try to post daily around my normal life. Sure it's a new channel, but I put a heavy emphasis on my production, making sure that each video is solid. Not as young as a lot of folks here, but just as enthusiastic!