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  • Catherine Part 8? No connections?

    blpup - - Bro Corner


    Ah thanks for the alt endings video But i really liked the Chaos ending better The neutral ending was a let down and the Law ending filled in the blanks of the story more imo

  • Catherine Part 8? No connections?

    blpup - - Bro Corner


    Ya after he released the last video I kinda just went ahead and watched it. Because he probably wont upload the right episode now, I kinda have the feeling that he may have forgotten to record it or something and just doesn't want to say anything about it Edit: Or maybe after uploading the wrong part 2 times. Probably got embarrassed or something

  • Catherine Part 8? No connections?

    blpup - - Bro Corner


    sooooo he just uploaded the last part. Does that mean he wont fix it oooorrrrrr make a part 7.5 or something

  • Life is Stange?

    blpup - - Bro Corner


    I wonder if he will make another I kinda miss the series or is it just me?

  • Catherine Part 8? No connections?

    blpup - - Bro Corner


    He just uploaded another part, yes. But that part is also wrong This is how it is currently Part 7 = Part 7(This is correct) Part 8 = Part 10 Part 9 = Part 9 I guess Part 10 will be Part 8 at this rate So we gotta wait 1 more upload

  • Catherine Part 8? No connections?

    blpup - - Bro Corner


    Is the newly updated part 8 STILL the wrong one? Ok guys im still confused here part 7's end was suppose to lead Some story development not a tower run? AND he is almost done with the game at the beginning of part 8?!? When on part 7 he still had that entire floor left?(and still needed to do all the conversations/bar parts)

  • Catherine Part 8? No connections?

    blpup - - Bro Corner


    ok apparently he has taken down the video and is probably re-uploading the correct one

  • Catherine Part 8? No connections?

    blpup - - Bro Corner


    Pewdiepie just released his Catherine part 8 video and I was wondering is it just me or does Catherine part 8 and part 7 not add up? or did I miss a video along the way?