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  • Hi there! I am looking for some friends to play online games with. I would like it to be just casual (so not necessarily for YouTube/Twitch/Competitive reasons). Games I like atm: - Dirty Bomb - CS:GO (I am really bad) - CS:GO surfing - Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - Gmod but doing any other new games would be great too! I just want to get to know some new people and do fun stuff

  • Skype!

    Corine - - Find Player 2


    what a great idea If anyone want to talk about whatever, add me: c0rinej (let me know you know me through this forum )

  • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

    Corine - - Suggestions


    - Basic infos One of the best Co-op games I have played in a while! One player needs to defuse a bomb, while the other has a manual with instructions on how to defuse the bomb (Only one of the players sees the bomb in game, while the other can download a manual (Bomb Defusal Manual). So only one player has to buy the game). The defuser has to clearly communicate to the manual reader what he/she sees, the manual reader needs to correctly and clearly communicate back solutions. The game however ha…

  • The Beginners Guide

    Corine - - Suggestions


    - Basic infos Basically I can't say too much what the game is about.. It would ruin the experience. It is a real psychological game that really makes you think. Very very well created. One of the best game experiences I have ever had. It definitely is a unique game and approaches games in a way I have not seen before. Steam description: The Beginner's Guide is a narrative video game from Davey Wreden, the creator of The Stanley Parable. It lasts about an hour and a half and has no traditional me…

  • Maybe they took it offline

  • Quote: “ ” Quote from kate t: “i cant it just send me to google again ” Quote from Corine: “Did not work for me. What did work in Chrome for me was: 1) Go to 2) (in chrome) right click and choose ' inspect element' 3) go to ' console' 4) paste: connect("ws://",""); in there 5) hit enter This should take you to the server ”

  • The befores and afters =/

    Corine - - Bro Corner


    Perhaps people who want to see longer videos go to Twitch nowadays...

  • The befores and afters =/

    Corine - - Bro Corner


    Quote from gamer_rye: “Quote from T-Luminareth: “He's just one guy with a very demanding fanbase. So you either get quantity or quality. It's nearly impossible to get both. ” I agree with you. Long-time bros though should understand that he's not some youtube gamer anymore with just 10000 subscribers but the most successful one like we all know. I too miss his old video format, like the 20min long and not heavily edited videos with casual impromptu reactions, but we must also be considerate that…

  • The befores and afters =/

    Corine - - Bro Corner


    Quote from ElvisTazo: “I don't mind the length of the videos, they're all funy, i just want him to f word-ing finish Book of Shadows ;-; ” That game was annoying as f-word in my opinion XD I liked the first Corpse Party, but the gameplay in the second one wasn't enjoyable. But I have to agree that those type of vid were nice.

  • Skype and D&D 5e

    Corine - - Games


    I have never played D&D but would definitely like to sometime I hope there are more people on the forum who would like to join.

  • The befores and afters =/

    Corine - - Bro Corner


    I miss the longer series as well. But fortunately Pewds is now playing Catherine and I really like that game so far. As for the editing: I'm not so much a fan of the (over)edited video's like Bloodborn. They take a long time to make because he compressed hours of footage into videos that are only a couple minutes long. Personally I like footage less edited (like the Catherine series now) because I feel more of a connection. It feels more like you are experiencing the gameplay together with Felix…

  • Paint by User

    Corine - - Suggestions


    What is it Basically its an online version of paint that allows everyone to work on the same canvas simultaneously. Just pick a name, a color and brush size and go create community internet art. "Paint By User should come with a trigger warning for anyone with an addictive personality, those easily aggressed by internet saboteurs and anyone with a propensity for procrastination. It turns out I suffer with all three, but didn’t quite realise until I started playing with the site, created by Matth…

  • Tips on must sees in Japan?

    Corine - - Chat Box


    Haha thanks everyone! The stickershops sound amazing :O I used to collect stickers when I was a child, even the ones you find on fruit Xd Akihabara will also be on the route I believe there is also a lot of anime/manga stuff around that area But I don't think there will be one of those Miku concerts when I'm in Tokyo.

  • Did not work for me. What did work in Chrome for me was: 1) Go to 2) (in chrome) right click and choose ' inspect element' 3) go to ' console' 4) paste: connect("ws://",""); in there 5) hit enter This should take you to the server


    Corine - - Bro Corner


    If someone would know this it would probably be the developers: (link to contactform on their website). Maybe they are willing to help you out or even set something up for you/us.

  • Brofist! And if he does not seem busy I might ask for a picture.

  • Tips on must sees in Japan?

    Corine - - Chat Box


    Hey there fellow bro's! I will be visiting Japan next month and wondered if you guys have any tips on things to see in Japan. I have a Japan Rail Pass so I can go anywhere I want Pewds already taught me not to get sick XD so I will buy masks immediatly when I get there and bring some medicine with me.. But any other tips from you guys? Or will you also be in Japan in the last two weeks of July? Let me know!

  • Saladass!! Credit name: Corine Jacobs #3…eb8d72db2ab4b2f17f7fb57e5 Dropbox - Saladass.jpg

  • Credit name: Corine Jacobs #2…eb8d72db2ab4b2f17f7fb57e5 Dropbox - CanIHaveABrofist.jpg

  • Brofist?

    Corine - - Bro Corner


    Credit name: Corine Jacobs #1…eb8d72db2ab4b2f17f7fb57e5 Dropbox - BrofistEye.jpg