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  • ...I don't remember anyone named "Fiona" in Frozen. Did you watch a different movie from the rest of us? The character's name is Anna.

  • Devil Worship

    Jessica Whitmore - - Videos


    He wasn't sucking the devil's dick. He was praying to him. It was just a very... Unfortunate placement of the two, and far too close together.

  • Memorable quotes

    Jessica Whitmore - - Videos


    "My vagina will crush you" -- Pewdiepie 2015


    Jessica Whitmore - - Videos


    "Even the Japanese can be racist", you say? It's funny because they've been racist for thousands of years and still are. XD It's a major part of their culture and history. They've been getting a little bit better over time, but there's still ethnicities that are treated really, really poorly or looked down upon. And none more than the mosquito.