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  • Shout Out Competition #3

    Hoodiepanda - - Other


    Name: Bret Numedahl Channel name: HoodiePanda YouTube Video (That best describes your content): (Hidden Content) Quick Description: I've been posting videos "professionally" for over a year now with at least one to two videos per day. I tend to do a style of video that would feel like a friend is sitting next and watching rather than just presenting a finely tuned production to an audience.


    Hoodiepanda - - Videos


    I feel like a lot of the suggestions for engaging with are going to be multiplayer based. Honestly, nothing is more engaging to me than vlogs. We like to hear you talk, that's why we're here! Though you have done videos like that in the past. I'd say something with your website and forums could be incorporated in. Something like a weekly contribution or themed community chat thing we can all participate in. Either way, no matter what you do, know we're all here with and behind you!