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  • Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition

    UserDude - - Suggestions



  • Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition

    UserDude - - Suggestions



  • Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition

    UserDude - - Suggestions


    - Basic infos: Devil May Cry 4 is an action-adventure hack and slash. The game is the fourth installment to the Devil May Cry series. The game story is set between the original Devil May Cry (1) and Devil May Cry 2. During the game, the player controls both Nero and Dante as they fight enemies in close combat using firearms, swords, and other weapons. The game was re-released in June 2015 as Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition, which adds both English and Japanese voice tracks and 3 bonus playable …

  • Quote from redblackbrownwhite: “This video should be named "Thousand ways to murder people creatively". I swear I just became a psychotic killer watching this. ” It's okay... as long you don't use the words "fuck" and "shit", you're golden within America.

  • For some reason subzero's one made me cringe... The spine one. but the others were not so much. Also you said "all" where's the rest?! where's bonus turtle?! on a trip??? well bring me bonus eagle! put him the line!


    UserDude - - Videos


    Thank you all holy Bonus Eagle!

  • Things I Wish I Knew...

    UserDude - - Videos


    Amazing advice! couldn't have been said more perfect.


    UserDude - - Videos


    Well I thought I can watch pewds and eat... well fuck that plan now *Toss plate to behind*


    UserDude - - Videos


    Ken is just awesome, I love that guy! And YES definitely would like a part 2! Also will you consider playing (when ever you feel like it) Devil May Cry HD Collection? Not shouting at you "PLAY IT!!" but I feel like it's a cool series you can go through! You can turn easy mode on (story stays the same), because it can be somewhat difficult on normal, though it seem to be something people like seeing you doing (play difficult games) and I wouldn't mind seeing you get pro 720 mgl noscope, in it... …

  • You guys need to understand, Game's.. in.. development......... Just wait it out, it'll be here when the time comes.

  • Quote from tatertots: “7:56 .. wtf pewds. stop moaning. xD” If you think this is moaning, go watch him have sex with himself over pokemon cards, spoiler he got freaking!! CHARI- *head explodes*

  • Quote from Mohammad Beheshti Shirazi: “I know Pewdiepie will never see this, but it is something I absolutely need to say. Pewdiepie, you have lowered the bar too low, and because of that you've practically insulted all your original fans. I'm not going to call him a "pathetic cunt" or "dumbfuck" because in truth, he isn't. He just made some very poor and very grevious choices. I've been subscribed since he had only 4 million subs, and pretty much from then up until now I've been a loyal "bro." …


    UserDude - - Videos


    The Irony where you buy these game to show your survival skills, yet you're stupid enough to pay so much money for those... best survival skills ever! Edit: I wasn't talking about pewds.................. holy fucking shit I'm talking to 6 year olds >...< I was referring to his joke about the price (OBVIOUSLY......)


    UserDude - - Videos


    Quote from Igna20: “Can someone tell me the name of the asian-looking fellow mentioned in the video? Loving the beard ! Hoping to grow something similar” Ryan Higa? you new on youtube? go search "nigahiga" on youtube right now! try out his Dragon Ball or Naruto videos for getting you started, there is so much cool stuff you can watch there though, I wish I didn't know him like you don't so I could sit through all these videos and enjoy them to the fullest again.


    UserDude - - Videos


    Quote from Muaz Al Khair: “Quote from Mikasa Pinata: “Quote from Muaz Al Khair: “Is that Food-In-A-Can really smell that bad? <X” You should see him on trying (failing) to eat some canned fish. :D” OMG How do people eat those X/” I guess some people would eat anything you sell them...

  • This game is absolute art. *slow claps with closed eyes*

  • Seeing them play together, tweet, and drink, made me realize how much I don't have a life... Most people have at least this one friend, you need that one friend to have some kind of social way to meet other people, so it's kind of a loop circle that you're either in or you're out. It's not like I don't try talking to people every once in a while, just that I'm too weird to make a relationship out of it. lol I'm so pathetic... Anyways I know this video was meant in a positive way, and I am thankf…


    UserDude - - Videos


    Best vlog ever 10/20 IGnany That's such a bummer you two got sick! well I guess fate has it's own dance, just have to roll with it sometimes. Anyways thanks for still vlogging!


    UserDude - - Videos

    Post That face! 1:01 hahaha lmao! Also damn you pewds! I have touch screen, and everytime you make cool videos like this I have so much fun that I have to brofist! then it pauses the video when it lightly touch it, and the it have to brofist your fists like 3 times! best fisting I ever had. 10/10 ign p.s nigahiga is awesoem!

  • I liked the opening singing, but other than that I think you should've took that twerking game out of the video... But that's just my opinion. Anyways awesome games, I like the last one, you spoke of playing this, but I haven't seen any videos... so it was nice, really well made! gonna watch some more videos ^o^ *brofist*