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    Riou17 - - Videos


    Out of all the three games, Poltergeist was more interesting to play. If I'm not mistaken, this is the second time he played Pako. BTW guys, Pewds already finished playing Alien: Isolation. It's on his website. Check it, it's one of his website exclusive videos.

  • what console

    Riou17 - - Other


    PS4. They have better exclusives than Xbox One. Then again, it's based on what games you like to play.

  • Has Pewds given up on The Evil Within?

    Riou17 - - Games


    I remember him saying in one of his videos that the next one, part 5, will be uploaded some time in the future. I think during that time he was visiting his family. My guess is that he's finishing the game and uploading the rest of the videos to his website. The same thing he did with Alien: Isolation. I could be wrong but I'm hoping that he didn't drop the game. I'm really looking forward to the next part.

  • How did you find Pewds?

    Riou17 - - Bro Corner


    At first, my sister told me to watch one of his videos. I think the video was Ib. I didn't pay that much attention to him during that time. IIRC, I subscribed to Pewds after watching either To the Moon or Rise of Nightmares. It was a long time ago when he had only 1 or less than a million subs.

  • The game looks fun. I didn't thought this game would feature a character customization. The gameplay looks fluid too. Nice!


    Riou17 - - Videos


    I love how both his sister and mother play along with Pewds. They're supportive of him and even make jokes. They're not those shy types that only talk or answer when asked. BTW, belated happy birthday to Pewds/Felicia.

  • Quirkiness of Japanese games!!

    Riou17 - - Games


    In the game Ar tonelico Qoga, one of the main girls has a power to turn enemies into cakes. It's not one of those acquired skills ingame but it's really her powers. Oh, and the girls has to strip to increase their powers. Lollipop Chainsaw, a cheerleader zombie hunter with a boyfriend who's just a head. Drakengard and Drakengard 3, not so typical characters (one of the characters is a bloodthirsty psychopath) band together not to save the world but just to tag along for the ride (following the m…

  • Gaming Clichés

    Riou17 - - Games


    Repetitive sidequests. Usually when it involves farming a lot of the same materials. It gets very tedious if you keep fighting the same monsters just to get some materials. Also, ice levels especially when you need to slide across the room to get to the next place. It's not that bad but there are always slide puzzles in any ice dungeons.

  • Kudos to Pewds for finishing those chapters on Survival Mode with almost to none ammos and no shotgun. I'm really impressed. I've been playing this game on Casual Mode so I have enough ammos but this game still scares me. I'm always running to the save point everytime I get something.