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    LORD - - Videos


    OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh #rekt #burn #epic ohhhhhhhh


    LORD - - Videos


    "dont suck my ass" Got me flippin

  • Last thing you'd eat before you die?

    LORD - - Real Life


    Quote from CORMANO: “Most likely nothing cuz I hate choosing. ” A cat would have to be my answer.

  • R.I.P Pewdiepie

    LORD - - Bro Corner


    Happy Thanksgiving Lol

  • Looking For: Animators! (PewDiePie)

    LORD - - Other


    I didn't....

  • Looking For: Animators! (PewDiePie)

    -CORE- - - Other


    You just love hating on me don't you....

  • Looking For: Animators! (PewDiePie)

    -CORE- - - Other


    I just got a weird idea for an animation. Pewds wakes up in a dark void where he has to escape. In the void he sees random shit and finds out that he has to escape by completing these challenges that are set to test his youtuber/gamer skills. Everytime he fails a challenge he dies and has to start over. The catch is that everytime he dies his body gets a small part/organ replaced by a pie piece. It makes so much sense....PEW<---DIE<----PIE<----- Please tell me this idea hasn't been done before l…

  • Looking For: Animators! (PewDiePie)

    -CORE- - - Other


    Quote from CrimMaya: “Quote from -CORE-: “true, but what I was think was a section per animator thing. If a single animator spent a larger amount of his time doing one section I believe the quality would be much better and less time consuming then an entire animation with the quality of the mentioned animation above. So like a single story with each animator doing a different section....It might still be hard but the results might be pretty cool” You could do that, but the only problem doing it …

  • Felix's birthday

    -CORE- - - Bro Corner


    I don't believe we can get them all unless we don't have a cap on the length of the video

  • Looking For: Animators! (PewDiePie)

    -CORE- - - Other


    true, but what I was think was a section per animator thing. If a single animator spent a larger amount of his time doing one section I believe the quality would be much better and less time consuming then an entire animation with the quality of the mentioned animation above. So like a single story with each animator doing a different section....It might still be hard but the results might be pretty cool

  • Felix's birthday

    -CORE- - - Bro Corner


    Quote from DJFingas: “Quote from -CORE-: “So is EVERYONE who sends a vid going to be included?” That's the idea yes 50 Bros is equal to 4 minutes.” And what's the expected length of this video?

  • Looking For: Animators! (PewDiePie)

    -CORE- - - Other


    Quote from CubeXtron: “Quote from -CORE-: “Anyone want to enter this together? A team effort? In my opinion if a group of us worked on one animation together and sent it in as one then the result would be much better than 7 single animations or so. Besides, it might attract pewdiepie more. Just a thought....Pm me if interested to work with me :P” I am pretty sure Pewds wants "an" animator to work on one animation, not 5 of them. And it's kind of hard doing collab animations, I've done those a lo…

  • With all the recent occurrences in the Pewdiepie Network Channel it is without doubt that our leader is secretly signaling to us in code so that the UN does not find out about his plans. It has become to apparent to me now that in every single one of his videos if sped up and reversed, a single word is revealed. I've deciphered the words in his videos and received this sentence. "Bro. Army. Unite. Awaken. Time. Revolution. Sexy. Bums. Everywhere. Take. Over. World. Bro. Army. It. Is. Time. If th…

  • Felix's birthday

    -CORE- - - Bro Corner


    Quote from DJFingas: “Quote from -CORE-: “Eh, I don't really wanna read all the previous pages so what's the video confirmed to be about? Like is it just us wishing him a happy birthday?” There is going to be a video for the outgoing bros and letters for the shy bros. The letters go here Felix Födelsedag! - Google Docs The videos are sent to my email [email protected] 5-10 second clips of you saying whatever you want to Felix For proof that I won't betray the bros I have asked that in the res…

  • Felix's birthday

    -CORE- - - Bro Corner


    Quote from DJFingas: “Quote from GuacamoleBro: “ For his Birthday I think we should all record a video of ourselves describing pewdiepie in one word or how he has changed our lives and in the end of the video we say Happy Birthday! (Sorry if seems dramatic lol) then we send it to some really good editor and once it's edited and looks really nice we'll send it to him and post it everywhere on Youtube and stuff. I think he would really appreciate this after the whole comment removal thing. It'll s…

  • Felix's birthday

    -CORE- - - Bro Corner


    Quote from Miranda: “Hello Bros! Felix's birthday soon, on 24 October. I think that we could surprise him, eg by making a video with wishes or with our reactions on his videos. What do you think about this? Maybe you have another, better ideas. But we need to hurry! BROFIST So far we have an email [email protected] on which we decided that we will sending our videos. Now we are looking for somebody (for whom we'll give password) who will be able to put it together. ” For his Bir…

  • Do Girls Like Manboobs?

    -CORE- - - Videos


    Only Cow man boobs. Only. [/trophy][/trophy]

  • Looking For: Animators! (PewDiePie)

    -CORE- - - Other


    Anyone want to enter this together? A team effort? In my opinion if a group of us worked on one animation together and sent it in as one then the result would be much better than 7 single animations or so. Besides, it might attract pewdiepie more. Just a thought....Pm me if interested to work with me :P


    -CORE- - - Videos


    Quote from ALKLZ: “Hey Pewds can you make a thread where you reply to us bros time to time.. :pewdie:” He does :\ I just noticed that I quoted someone O.O yay


    -CORE- - - Videos


    I love your videos and all Pewdiepie but every single time I watch them I have to stop because I just can't help realizing how little cows and cats are in them I feel like you don't treat all animals equally and that there should be more cats and cows in your videos. Btw, at 1:26 I was positive something would jump out at you. P.S. You should have kept Shanon. As a pet or pillow or something. She was my favorite character from the game.