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  • 31,970,288 Subscribers!!!!

    MariePatrick - - Videos


    I watched this video, and I cried... I don't know if Pewds reads all of these comments, but if he is reading this: I just want to say that I love your videos, and I don't know what I would do if you stopped making them! You're my hero. I love you, you are truly awesome. No one else in my family seems to get it, they always say “He's just a foreign guy that records himself playing video games.” But to me and the other bros, you're more than that. You seem to be able to make me smile and laugh on …


    MariePatrick - - Videos


    I guess it's true, everyone loves Pewds... even death itself

  • I think a lot of the fangirls are just jealous of her,but I for one think she seems really nice and her and Pewds are so cute together! Fans should be happy, because Marzia makes our hero happy, and he deserves it! There's no reason to whine over it. And personally I don't watch a lot of her videos but I enjoy it when she's a guest in one of Pewdie's videos. The negativity needs to stop. shes wonderful and really sweet and she hasn't done anything to deserve it

  • Why do you love pewds?

    MariePatrick - - Bro Corner


    I love Pewds because every time I watch one of his videos I feel like he's talking to me and only me, even though he has millions of subscribers! He's so awesome and he actually cares about his bros!!! He taught me a lot about gaming and just having fun with it, and I love him for it. And he's just so gosh darn FABULOUS. I mean, just look at him. He's amazing and I realllyyyyyyy want the chance to meet him someday. It would be a miracle and would mean the world to me!

  • How long have you guys been watching Pewds? I've been watching him for a couple years now, and my bf and I always argue about who's more awesome because he's a Jacksepticeye fan lol. But I say PEWDIEPIE FOREVERRRRR

  • A world wide tour would be AWESOME, but it would be kind of difficult. Maybe he could go to a different country every year or something? That would be pretty cool, and then if you have to travel to a different part of your country to meet him you could plan it, because you would know at least 5 or 6 months in advance.. we definitely need to try to get to him about this, meeting him would be AMAZING

  • Were are you from BROS

    MariePatrick - - Chat Box


    I'm from Michigan in The U.S.