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  • Guys, these are not robots - they are androids

  • Quote from J Horan: “Doe Pewds only have the beta version of the game or does he have the full one?” Developers game him an early access That's a marketing strategy and a smart one, I might add

  • Quote from IsabellaSmith :D: “Save station gotta love my savvee stationn! Love this series so far but that jump scare tho I almost fell off my chair! :brofist:” I loved that "Save station" when he was playing Grudge or something similar about the ghosts in the hospital. It's been a while since he used that

  • Quote from JacenSolo: “Quote from SscorpionN: “ He said in the first episode that he saw this movie when he was still a child and that he had nightmares because of it.” well that's sad. but i watched alien/s when i was about 10 and i loved it! (i was probably scared as well, but i don't remember now!) but he should then rewatch it! he'll freak out during the birthing/popping outa the stomach scene!” I've seen a good share of horror movies when I was a child too, but for some reason I never thoug…

  • Quote from JacenSolo: “i wonder whether pewds has even ever watched alien/s. his lack of knowledge of it is rather appalling. he doesn't know an android when he sees one, doesn't know the aliens tactic of crawling into tight spaces and ambushing people, and doesn't even know the plasma/ion torch!” He said in the first episode that he saw this movie when he was still a child and that he had nightmares because of it.

  • Quote from Ravn: “You have to fix the aspect ratio” And I though it was because of bad character model design... Characters do look too skinny - even the alien itself looks skinny

  • Well, if Marzia instantly gained +1 mil subs in a few days, I guess that would be reasonable for her to be sensitive about haters because she wouldn't have had time to get used to the fame and negativity that comes with it, but now, when she's been quite popular for a long time, she should be used to the fact that haters are everywhere and no matter what you do, there will always be people who are negative towards you. Heck, even I have haters and get negative comments under my videos, even thou…

  • What do you bros look like?

    SscorpionN - - Real Life


    Quote from Alex Sexbang: “Quote from SscorpionN: “Quote from naomideluxe: “Been a bro for about 3 years now, still love pewds as much!” You are truly a true bro! However, I've been a bro since 2010 , so I'm a vet here (not trying to brag) :P” No offense, but that's b to the s, dawg.” Well, it's your choice to believe or not but I see no reason to lie about it I've been a bro since he started playing Amnesia and I found his video through Machinima where he was featured At the time I was watching …

  • What do you bros look like?

    SscorpionN - - Real Life


    Quote from naomideluxe: “Been a bro for about 3 years now, still love pewds as much!” You are truly a true bro! However, I've been a bro since 2010 , so I'm a vet here (not trying to brag)

  • What do you bros look like?

    SscorpionN - - Real Life


    Being used to League of Legends community I'm actually surprised how friendly people are here

  • Great job, Bundyclan! One thing though - you forgot one n in my nickname It should be SscorpionN - not SscorpioN But damn, that's a lot of video montages....

  • What do you bros look like?

    SscorpionN - - Real Life


    It's an older photo of me. Now I look ugly as f***..... Just kidding The only difference now is that I don't wear hair-gel anymore and I wear glasses. Since I'm not very photogenic and I don't take many photos of myself, I found this one to be best to share 30ubv2w.jpg

  • Quote from LooseArrowBoy: “Quote from CrimMaya: “Quote from LooseArrowBoy: “Quote from CrimMaya: “I bet it'll take him a few days to watch and decide a winner, maybe even a week. Good luck to all the bros out there that participated :brofist:” I personally watched each entry so far. I'm not sure on the exact amount, but it's probably 20 or so. It shouldn't take him too long to review them. It will probably take him longer to decide how exactly he wants to do everything in the end.” There's like …

  • I think that, by the time Pewds grows old, Youtube will have an audience consisting not mainly of children and teenagers but more mature people as well, since we will be those old mature people that grew old with the internet and Youtube. Youtube might even replace TV (probably not in every aspect, but it should become more mainstream than it is now). So, I guess that Pewds will continue being a Youtuber as long as Youtube lives and as long as he is not tired of this activity/job