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  • Shamefull Interests

    Averroes - - Real Life


    I don't even want to say mine cuz a lot of these aren't really shameful at all . One guy said CoD and Fifa. those are like, the two most popular games in their respective genre how is that shameful?

  • League of leagends

    Averroes - - Games


    Quote from SullehS: “ Hmmmmm I don't know about ALL of that, lol! It can be fun even if you don't know all that's going on, and are not lvl 30. To play it seriously with intents to advance? Yes, you need to focus on mechanics, skills, masteries, etc. But playing just for fun..? No League is a free game that opens doors for players that want to rank and just play with friends alike, goof around or be serious or both. I can't let myself take it too seriously/in depth and think too hard about it or…

  • League of leagends

    Averroes - - Games


    I don't think Pewds should play LoL. League is more serious and involves quite a bit of strategy(not nearly as much as Dota 2 but still). The only times I laugh or joke around in League is inside jokes with friends or when one of my friends or I messes up something we should always get right like flashing over a wall or something. Also it would take him a while to get to lvl30 where things actually get pretty interesting, and its not a game to play as a joke cuz then it really isn't fun unless y…

  • I think Guardians of the Galaxy for sure. I liked Lucy at the start but it got a bit too ridiculous for me near the end.

  • Whats Better? Comments or Forums?

    Averroes - - Bro Corner


    I haven't been on the forum long enough to know which I like more but I support Pewds' decision. I think that's probably why most people are voting for the Forum(or maybe they actually do like it more, i really don't know). Ive never really gotten into forums before so its gonna be steep learning curve for me.