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    Nedas Sereiva - - Videos


    My idea (it sucks): Story : One fine day on a vacation the sky turned black and thunder hits near you and you fall into an ocean and you swim to an random island. Goal : Find help while defeating enemies and bosses Characters : Pewdiepie (Felix) with 100HP, CutiePie (Marzia) with 100HP , bonus characters when you beat the game : Edgar (200HP) and Maya (200HP) To walk press A or D , to jump press W , to crouch (duck) press S Enemies : Mini slendermans, barrels, ducks, the amnesia monster (bro) , …

  • FUNNY MONTAGE (November)

    Nedas Sereiva - - Videos


    XD Pewds why didn't you put more Moonbase Alpha? I died of laughing

  • Pewds You did it And.. just if you can.. check out the Custom night ! But am not telling you to play every mode on that you seriously need a vacation from all that s**t Brofist brah!