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  • Hi Bros i have a new channel my first i have got my second upload and today my third upload and i got on my videos just 20-60 viewer ... how do i publish my self where and how to get subscribers? likes? and you know the rest of it ... So for all the bros who seeing it please help me!

  • My second upload

    jonijpelvi - - Archive


    Quote from RunescapeHullFanatic: “Liked it man! Happy wheels cracks me up everytime! Only advice I can give is true to sound a bit more enthusiastic, once you do that better reactions will come naturally! Keep it up! :)” thank you but im now on a busy time on tests and another tests that is matter in this year and my computer is not in realy good in the house im just need to fix all of this and ill upload alot and my english and reaction will be better

  • My second upload

    jonijpelvi - - Archive


    Hi Bross Im jonathan i too some advices from you bros and i made it on my videos i got 2 upload im new at this and my english is not the best but this is what i made: Part1: I hope you will enjoy and dont forget to like and subscribe for more. thos videos are my first and second be gentle and leave a comment

  • I can do Voices and im very creative with stories

  • Im pretty exited because its my first video and im uloading now the second i took the tips that you the bros from here gave me and its like keep being insane so tell me in a comment what you have liked and what not and dont forget if you like like+sub. i hope you will enjoy this

  • My Channel Jonathhan11

    jonijpelvi - - Archive


    Im Jonathan if you remember me i did a channel and i uploaded my first video and the second is uploading.... Your age:15 Genres*:Gaming : FPS ; RPG ; and some more random good games... Your time doing this*: 2 days already Future events/plans you have*: i am planing to publish my channel first and then ill thing what should i do for it but first i need to get better and get some subscribers Your channel link* Description of your channel*: my channel will upload usua…

  • I think that every one who see that should do a videos with says happy birthday and spam like 1000000000 videos like this and everyone will do one videos like this and the bro army will rule the world HAHAHAHA *mean bros Laugh* and mines was at the 1st

  • Hi Bros I got an idea that everyone is wondering but not asking how you doing that... how you so famous howww? How you keeping so good the intresting in your videos? So i was thinking why wont you help you bros to have a success like you and a little Video with tips how to bring viewer and subscribers to the channel how to publish?... And the most important thing How to keep INTRESTING in videos . it will appreciate from all the bro army to get some tips from the Big Bro.

  • Searching For Games

    jonijpelvi - - Other


    Quote from x8Daysfalling: “If you haven't played the Fable games those are kind of like that and an exploration game like that which is pretty much just and RPG is Fallout New Vegas because you have choices that effect the game outcome another game that Pewdie played that was similar was Ib. Also if you are looking for games with multiple endings theres Amnesias regular story Mass effect and more that I can't think of right now... I would tell you games almost like LA Noire and Heavy Rain, but t…

  • Searching For Games

    jonijpelvi - - Other


    Im searching for games like LA Noire detective games and games like heave rain when you do something and if you do it everything could be right and if you fail the game is continue like this... thnx for the bros who helping*brofist*

  • How to Keep intresting in videos

    jonijpelvi - - Help


    I used you advice at all thank you guys but in fraps its laggy i think i did now a video but the sound good and the video is like stuck... when i view it it was before the rendering it should be like it or it should be a little clearly?

  • How to Keep intresting in videos

    jonijpelvi - - Help


    thnx everybody ill use its(thnx realy usefull) ill try it and publish my videos ...

  • How to Keep intresting in videos

    jonijpelvi - - Help


    Im just 15 years old and i want to do videos like everyone else and i dont speak perfectly english im in israel and im use to talk with people english usualy and when i want to be myself i cant cause i dont have the words to say what i realy want and i need a way to keep interesting in my videos... it will be ewsome if you can help me . i thought that it will come with the time slowly but realy slowly...