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  • Shamefull Interests

    Exedrine - - Real Life


    Well personally I'm a Brony, I'm not ashamed of it. But I guess some would see that as a shameful thing. Persnally I don't care, being a member of the herd is awesome. I read loads of Harry Potter fanfiction. What I am actually embarrassed about liking is Screemo. Normally, I;m a metal and punk rock guy, but I really dig La Dispute.

  • Guilty Pleasures?

    Exedrine - - Real Life


    Quote from LuiCAcoustic: “Not the obvious ones, but does anyone else have stuff they like, but feel like they'll get ridiculed if they tell them. I guess in this thread, let's not ridicule them for what they like. I am a huge Taylor Swift fan (and I'm a guy). Often, most of my friends don't really like her that much and I see very few fans around. What about you?” Quote from LuiCAcoustic: “Not the obvious ones, but does anyone else have stuff they like, but feel like they'll get ridiculed if the…

  • Woah, dude I just remind myself that somewhere out there there's an idiot pulling on a door that says push. But, and I'm being perfecty serious, how deep do you cut? Or try to cut? Quote from MicoTheDarkReaper*: “Try to cut my left wrist”

  • Songs that get you Emotional?

    Exedrine - - Chat Box


    Lucy by Skillet Kills me with great big teary sledgehammer.

  • Relationship problems....

    Exedrine - - Real Life


    Dude. you're 14, you've really nothing to worry about. All of the awesome dating years are still to come. You really needn't worry. 16, 17, 18, 19. Thats when things get really hot. For the time being just enjoy being a teenager. If you have your eye on anyone in particular thats another matter entirely, but if youre just worried about being single, then everything is fine and you have nothing to worry about. Really.

  • Fictional: Middle Earth, definitely Middle Earth. Or Rowling's Wizarding world. WAIT! Star Wars Universe, Old Republic time. As for real: Japan or New Zealand

  • Final Fantasy VII (you know which bit). The Walking Dead game (you know which bit too). Gears of War 3 (yeah, I really needn't go on). Mass Effect 3 Control ending.

  • Is Pewds Cursing his Videos?

    Exedrine - - Help


    Yeah, don't worry about it. It's just some random troll trying to garner some attention, and he... or she, is trying to gain that attention by spaming people who actually worked to get what they have.