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  • what do you play currently most?

    PartyPoison - - Chat Box


    Assassin's Creed (I'm obsessed okay) AND FABLE 3 ahsusbshshshhshsjagahvauikw I just love the chickens

  • Favorite Superhero and Villain?

    PartyPoison - - Chat Box


    Quote from Lonjanis: “oh god, don't make me choose. Hmmmm. I can say of the marvel mutants I like quicksilver the most. The mayor in ex machina is probably my favourite hero, though thats kinda iffy, The runaways are also awesome....ummmm ummmm spider-man final answer” Spiderman is pretty awesome Quote from PlatonD: “ well my favorite superhero is spiderman, what can i say? I was watching spiderman since i was 5 years old my favorite cillain is joker from batman. I like his crazy, sick style. ” …

  • Favorite Superhero and Villain?

    PartyPoison - - Chat Box


    I've been obsessed with Marvel Comics and Superheros in general lately. And Yesterday, I went to see the new Spiderman movie, which was pretty good (ANDREW GARFIELD ). It got me thinking though about who the best/most awesome superhero is. So I wanted to know what you bros thought! SOOOO, who's your favorite superhero? AND, because I love Villains even more than superheros, who's your favorite villain as well! They don't have to be from a comic book or from Marvel or anything. I'll start! My fav…

  • Assassin's Creed. (Ezio ) &Silent Hill

  • Any bros in America?!

    PartyPoison - - Chat Box


    Southern California

  • Quote from Br00tal: “Yes, its the solid line. Use dotted lines only, looks better. I know that making straight lines yourself is a pain in the ass sometimes, but it needs practice. No lipstick in this case would look like something is missing and as you say, a nude/gold toned, and make sure its well toned and not plain gold. Also ACCESSORIZE!” Changed the lipstick, did dotted lines like you suggested and added more jewelry! Quote from ChristopherClever: “ I like the makeup. I think what bothered…

  • Quote from Br00tal: “Lets see here. The sign on the forehead is not symmetrical and it irritates me 8D The eyeshadow is well done also the lines below. Try to experiment more with hair placement and jewellery. But i think the lipstick is TOO dramatic. Choose a more subtle tone. Nevertheless, good job and i would love to see a videotutorial. <3” When you say symmetrical, are you talking about how only one side has a solid line or that the placement of the lines on my face is off? If its the place…

  • Quote from benscott: “ I think it looks awesome. :3 And you look pretty with it. ” Awww thanks, you're so sweet Quote from Pamela: “ Looks nice altho it's not my style One question tho, did you use foundation? I think it would look better if you would make your skin smooth and a little blush =) Your pretty! ” Yeah, definitely wouldn't wear this around in public haha. And no, i didn't use foundation or anything for my face. Just did the eye-look, but yeah I probably should have and thank you!

  • So I know this has nothing to do with Pewdie and probably not many of you on this forum are interesting in make-up or anything. But I was bored this morning, so I decided to do an Assassin's Creed inspired make-up look. I started off by thinking of how I could incorporate the logo of the Assassin hood into the make-up look. I decided it would have to be a semi-dramatic look(aka not wearable in every day life) in order to do this. I used this picture as my reference: ac_logo.png To subtly make th…

  • Photography

    PartyPoison - - Archive


    Does taking pictures of my cats count as photography? I'm into photography but as I said, I mostly take pictures of my cats Like this one: 251-1.jpg But I also do some nature shots as well: 072.jpg You should post some more of your pictures! I love looking at photography.

  • F*** it moments

    PartyPoison - - Chat Box


    My F**K it moment: I was camping about two weeks ago with some of my friends and we hiked down to this creek where there are cliff jumping areas. I didn't really go jumping (just swam around and watched my friends jump) because if I jumped, I figured I would hit a rock or something on the bottom because I literally have the worst luck ever. My friend was trying to get me to jump off one of the rocks with her, and from the ground, it didn't look too high. So I was like "F**K IT" and decided to ju…

  • Favorite PewDiePie character?

    PartyPoison - - Chat Box


    Irresponsible dad. Definitely Irresponsible dad.

  • Favorite main character?

    PartyPoison - - Other


    Quote from Mega_hyp3rrr_808: “Quote from PartyPoison: “Ezio Auditore da Firenze” I love the assassins creed series, mostly the ezio chapters, but i think assassins creed 3 is going to be very good” Yeah, I'm super excited for Assassin's Creed 3. I love the entire series but Ezio will always have a special place in my heart

  • Favorite main character?

    PartyPoison - - Other


    Ezio Auditore da Firenze

  • Xbox 360 Gamer Tags

    PartyPoison - - Find Player 2



  • Politik by Coldplay Look at earth from outer space Everyone must find a place Give me time and give me space Give me real; don't give me fake Give me strength; reserve control Give me heart and give me soul Give me time; give us a kiss Tell me your own politik And open up your eyes Open up your eyes Open up your eyes Open up your eyes Give me one, 'cause one is best In confusion, confidence Give me peace of mind and trust Don't forget the rest of us Give me strength; reserve control Give me hear…


  • Bro's Tumblr blogs

    PartyPoison - - Archive


    My tumblr:

  • Skype!

    PartyPoison - - Find Player 2


    Skype name: Tessa.Dee Hope to talk to some of you guys!

  • Everybody is so beautiful This is mee: Tina3-1.jpg