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  • I could use some help

    Warp Whistle Gaming - - Help


    Hey guys, thanks for the help, I went with my 1st choice, but I'll keep that list handy just in case Thanks again

  • I could use some help

    TheGameLover - - Help


    Yea, problem there is I suck at thinking of names, I mean look at my screen name, not very original. I had one idea in mind though. See my channel is going to be about game reviews and such. so for example so people don't steal my idea (its happened before) it was going to be called "Maple Leaf Gaming" or "Maple Leaf Gaming Reviews" something like that, only instead of maple leaf it would a in game item like Screw Attack from Metroid. Idk how id make a name from that like Misfit in your case but…

  • I could use some help

    TheGameLover - - Help


    Hey, I could use some creative and tech help. So I made a YouTube and all that and the name I chose...well it wasn't my 1st choice lets put it that way. Anyways to make a long story short, I'm going to rename/remake my channel and I could use some help with a name. I'm looking for something along the lines of a game item (example: Screw Attack) and once I pick a name ill also need some help making a intro, I can record and upload something easy enough, not so good with the Photoshop kind of thin…

  • The 1st step

    TheGameLover - - Help


    thanks for the tips guys, I think I might just have to say f*ck it and just upload something. #YOLO right? lmao

  • well..

    TheGameLover - - Help


    What I'll be doing on the channel is game plays, game reviews of games of I played recently and some old games. and what ever else I can

  • The 1st step

    TheGameLover - - Help


    So yea I could use some help. I have a ton of great ideas of what to do and I have some "decent" programs but I cant seem to make the 1st step. Maybe its just being nervous or something. IRL I wasn't that social either I was always the shy one. So anyone got some tips for me? I could really use them. I mean I cant even stand to hear my voice when I have "tried" to do something lol