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  • Small horror game I made

    owocowyjogurt - - Archive


    I tried going down the road but it suddenly ended and I just fell off the map. Literally, I started falling and I could see the map above me. But it's cool, you don't fall off the map every day.

  • Thing that you don't have now!

    owocowyjogurt - - Real Life


    I've always wanted to have a dog. And I'm sure I'll get one some day, I'm just waiting for the right moment.

  • Emotions

    owocowyjogurt - - Real Life


    I somethimes consider myself a monster because I'm not even able to love anyone and I don't think I'll ever be. I don't know why that is, no one's ever hurt me, I'm just an average person but unable to feel positive emotions. I laugh sometimes of course but never without a reason and it's never because I'm really happy.

  • Username: that may be stupid but I'd assume you like cats, just because of the 'purr' part of your username Avatar: I have no idea, actually, but you probably like anime Signature: You're an optimist, I guess

  • My worst fear is being trapped in my own body. I mean, imagine you're paralyzed but your brain is still working. You can hear, see and understand everything but you can do nothing, not even say a word.