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The forums have been archived. Please read this thread for more information.

  • Also, please join the group before adding me I don't want to get confused with RFR and actual members

  • Hey, Everyone add me on Steam, I'll make a group too so I know who everyone is. As I already have a heap of friends on steam XD Then we can talk about everything as I will need everyones input add me here Or search: ToxicCallum Here is the group

  • It's easy, anyone can be part of the community. I am, part of the community, and, from the looks of it, I'm not alone. Everyone here is the reason why I have decided to create the channel. It will of course take time for everything to work out. BUT, I do not use skype, so the conversations will have to be through another client, like TeamSpeak As Skype is very unstable compared to having a dedicated TeamSpeak server. HOW TO JOIN: Of course, you all want to know how to join, and to be honest, I h…

  • The channel is still in it's roots, need to make an intro duction video with a script to try and describe the channel Shouldn't be too long now

  • The channel is up now! Still working on the roots and everything

  • Well I have to work everything out, and by that, I mean small rules. Submission forms/way Stuff Like that

  • The channel is up! Will need some people who are great with channel icons and banners as what I have put on are just temp Click the channel, have a look and tell me what you think so far. IT'S STILL A WORKING PROGRESS Thanks to everyone of you :)

  • Nice input man But I think I've gotten hooked on RTA. It has a good short phrase too I'll see if the name is available and get to work on it Thanks everyone, will make a new thread when it's alive

  • Need Help For A Community Channel name!

    ToxicCallum - - Help


    RTA sounds epic But will it fit the community channel name? Yeah I think so

  • Stephano. It's best to throw in all the possible names before checking them out. Have 3 that are the best and go from 1st to last to see if any are available. I'm liking GamersAnonymous. and TheRecognisers Maybe Recognising Gamers? nah that doesn't seem to be a name Thumbs up the best name? :L

  • Need Help For A Community Channel name!

    ToxicCallum - - Help


    Maybe not "Guys". Just in case we get Girl Gamers on board :L Maybe Unknown Gamers? (Combining everyones Ideas

  • What mic's do you use?

    ToxicCallum - - Technology


    Blue Yeti IMO haha Depending on your price range

  • What do you own?

    ToxicCallum - - Technology


    An amazing computer (Ask for specs if needed) Two 24" Monitors 32" Full HDTV Xbox 360 with like, 500 controls XD PS3 with a sexy pink control! (winning) DVD collection Blu Ray Collection GAME COLLECTION Disney Infinity figure things Batman Collectables 4 Posters, all in frames Blu Yeti Microphone Elgato Game Capture iPad Mini Nokia Lumia 820 I think. Wallet Keys Bunch of boxs Energy Drinks GHD Hair Straightener FOR THE LOLS LOLOL I think I did it wrong.

  • It's a community channel. I want it to fit everyone Everyones Games sounds good Allways Gaming? Game Together? Together Gaming? FOREVER GAMING haha just throwing them all out there

  • Okay, so some one suggested that I make a different thread brainstorming ideas for this channel. If you have no idea what this is about, please read through this thread; THIS IS ALL JUST AN IDEA But by the looks of it, this channel will become a reality :D So yeah, smash down some names for the channel below :D - Toxic :V

  • Help on Xsplit please?

    ToxicCallum - - Help


    DON'T USE XSPLIT MY FRIEND OBS is much better imo

  • Struggling to Grow on Youtube?

    ToxicCallum - - Find Player 2


    Quote from leonho97: “Sir, you have very well came up with your very own Machinima. I think it is a great idea what you are doing but have you thought about how you're doing this? Well, this is just a suggestion but maybe you could do short reviews about these channels. You could ask people to make short videos to explain what they do on their channels and feature that after you do the review. As for the name, try to think of something original . . I have no idea, lul xP Send me a PM once you se…

  • Saints Row or GTA series?

    ToxicCallum - - Other


    Both games are great in my opinion. Just two different game developers views on sandbox games XD

  • Hey guys, what should we call the channel?! I can't think of anything that will fit the channel perfectly! >< Something with Community in it haha

  • Ahh I'm so glad this is what you guys want! I think all these opinions helps out alot. Let's get this on the road!