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  • Hey there Bros..! Joakim Lundström here from GreyLight Entertainment! We just went live on our kickstarter page and would love some feedback from this community! Check out the video and tell us what you think. If you got any questions, I'm glad to answer any of them as I am the Creative Lead for this project! Thank you so much for taking your time, reading this, and possibly even donating! Looking forward for some feedback! Love ya'll Bros! 4661cb91462bb83027d6ae79126caf96_large.png 391b4e96bd63…

  • Hello guys! I just wanted to make you guys aware of what I and seven friends have been doing for the last couple of months. We've been working on a game with the title Stairs and we're going to compete with the title in the Swedish Game Awards (SGA from now on). This is an updated version of the previous post, due to the fact that the pre-alpha demo is now out for people to try it out! Stairs -Teaser Trailer Why are we doing this? The idea was to create a "flashback" t…

  • University Project: Stairs

    SnouGi - - Archive


    Quote from Shikieiki Yamaxanadu: “ I am wondering if you make use of the enviroment you create within the game as you can easily build up the suspense by adding random events which are actually nothing. For example : - Falling objects out of a cabinet - Placing small metal objects on the ground (cans) which the player kicks and make a loud noise - Random steam out of pipes - Lights which pop - Random ambient noises etc. Suggesting this due to the fact the current generation of (horror) indie gam…

  • University Project: Stairs

    SnouGi - - Archive


    Quote from MrFordanGreeman: “Trailer looks goooooood! Ile give this a try when the demos out :D” We are right at this moment trying to make the .exe to work properly. Just hold on to your hat! We'll let you know when the demo is out!

  • University Project: Stairs

    SnouGi - - Archive


    Quote from NuMetalWolf: “Well, for what i've seen on the trailer, it really reminds me of scp-087, to be honest. If you don't mind me suggesting, why don't you put some notes in the game? Have you ever thought about making a solid story for it? It might be very interesting, just saying.” There will be plenty of notes for people to interact with to get a more solid understanding of the story itself ;P But this is just a teaser trailer for a pre-alpha that we are gonna let people test ( for free o…

  • University Project: Stairs

    SnouGi - - Archive


    Quote from Shikieiki Yamaxanadu: “To be honest it looks very blocky and empty, be sure to fill it up with stuff like airducts and such to make it look less empty and therefore less boring. The only thing I give you credit for is for using the Unreal Engine instead of Unity as Unity horror games piss me off lately as most are made with major prefabs and such and published as their own work (and being terrible).” Thank you for your creative critique! the reason why it looks so blocky and empty, is…

  • University Project: Stairs

    SnouGi - - Archive


    Quote from Richi14151: “Looks awesome! can't wait to play it bro! :thumbsup:” Thanks a lot mate! The demo will be out any day now, so keep your eyes peeled!

  • University Project: Stairs

    SnouGi - - Archive


    Quote from neddy236: “looks like scp 087” It is one of our main inspirations, so you are spot on!

  • University Project: Stairs

    SnouGi - - Archive


    Hello guys! I just wanted to make you guys aware of what I and seven friends have been doing for the last couple of months. We've been working on a game with the title "Stairs" and we're going to compete with the title in the "Swedish Game Awards" (SGA from now on). Stairs -Teaser Trailer Youtube Link Why are we doing this? The idea was to create a "flashback" to old-school horror games, as we believe that most horror games of today have become a hybrid of action and shooters. So we wanted to "g…