Search Results

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  • Games you wanted to be remake

    Blue Impuls3 - - Games


    Pong is easily number 1. But a close second would be Ratchet and Clank. Re-live my childhood!

  • One Game For Life?

    Blue Impuls3 - - Other


    I really want Garry;s mod but this might sound pathetic but my laptop can't run it I think it can but it would kill my laptop

  • Describe Myself?

    Blue Impuls3 - - Real Life


    Everyone can tell their life's story or who they are but can you do it in 5 words? For example: A derpish dude from over-seas! OR Living life to its fullest Thanks!

  • Food You Can't Eat!

    Blue Impuls3 - - Real Life


    Everyone has food that they cannot eat or refuse to eat because you hate the taste. So what food do you hate so much that you wouldn't eat it for anything?

  • One Game For Life?

    Blue Impuls3 - - Other


    Hey Bros! If you had to play only one game for the rest of your life what would it be? And also what platform would it be on? Looking forward to seeing some of the answers. Might help me decide my next game

  • Be the gaming character!

    Blue Impuls3 - - Other


    Imagine yourself as a skater named "Bob". Now imagine pewds was controlling your every movement. What do you do? But what I really want to ask is if you could be one gaming character and it can be anyone from any game, who would it be? For example: Master Chief, Slenderman, Steve anyone! Thanks!

  • Top 5 Most Anticipated Games of 2014!

    Blue Impuls3 - - Other


    What's up Bros! I just wanted to find out what the top 5 most anticipated games were for 2014. So here is how it will work. You all vote and I will keep the results updated here! Please do not change your votes unless you really need to and please tell me if you do. Here is the format: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Just insert your games in there and each time a game is nominated it will receive one vote! Looking forward to seeing everyone's votes! Results:

  • This Website

    Blue Impuls3 - - Real Life


    I saw this today and was surprized! I really wish I was here at the start. I must now build a time machine!

  • Quote from The Woman: “The Sims. Most boring game I ever f*cking saw.” I second that. I know some people find it fun but to me I find it slow.

  • Best games you have ever played

    Blue Impuls3 - - Other


    Story: For story it will always be the Halo series. If I had to choose 1 I would definitely choose Halo 4. To me that story was amazing and it really took the Halo series in a new direction. Graphics: I would again say Halo 4. Just because of the opening scenes of the game and the cut-scenes. They were amazing. The in game graphics were also really good. Physics: For teh trollz Minecraft! jks. I would have to say maybe Battlefield 4 just with the frostbite 3 engine. Not sure though.

  • X-Box One VS PS4?

    Blue Impuls3 - - Other


    I am not going to say any because I have only played the Xbox One. And to be honest I love the console. Yes it has a lot of bugs but what day one launch console doesn't. I love the game line up that is coming and I have never really had a proper go at a PS3 or PS4 so I can't say much about those.

  • Games you like?

    Blue Impuls3 - - Other


    I am a huge Halo player and I am actually pretty good at it. I love minecraft and I am getting into Titanfall and Project spark!

  • All of the slender vids and Happy Wheels! They make me laugh so hard

  • I love playing minecraft and seeing that there is a server on this site makes me so happy. I am defiantly going to be a regular on the server

  • What Are You Listening To?

    Blue Impuls3 - - Chat Box


    I love Eminem! He makes some of the best music around!

  • Change 1 Word Game.

    Blue Impuls3 - - Chat Box


    The Children of Derp were raped by the fire truck.