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  • Awesome video. I love the way you feel like you're actually being hunted. Hope you do a few more survivor mode videos

  • I demand to know why Game Of Thrones, Orphan Black, Doctor Who, and/or Sherlock are not on that list!

  • Were are you from BROS

    ecadnacmarie - - Chat Box


    Southern California, USA! And by Southern California, I mean Los Angeles area. And before you can ask: No, I do not meet celebrities on the streets. The closest I got to meeting a celebrity is bumping into Drake Bell at an amusement park like 10 years ago.

  • What Languages Do You Know?

    ecadnacmarie - - Chat Box


    I speak English (my first language) y español (mi familia es mexicano y hablamos español) et français (j'ai étudié le français à l'école pendant deux ans) e italiano (l'ho imparato in collegio). I'm pretty comfortable with spanish (considering I grew up with it) and italian (because it's the language I've most recently studied). I'm quite rusty on french (haven't practiced it properly since high school), but I feel like I still know enough to say I can speak it. So yeah, 4 languages Once I perfe…

  • Comment Update!

    ecadnacmarie - - Videos


    Genuinely excited for this. We'll all finally be able to have actual discussions. Now we just have to wait for things to settle down so the site could stop crashing lol. But overall, I think Pewds made such a smart choice.