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  • Regarding the Competition

    posishark - - Feedback


    Also the 4-5 uploads a day seem to be lets plays, not reviews. No offense to lets plays but anyone can pump out a ton a day no matter what they do on the side.

  • Regarding the Competition

    posishark - - Feedback


    Well then friend, I'm glad someone has the audacity to be able to do that much. 4-5 videos a day is ludacris. Also I checked out your channel, out of curiosity and didn't see any reviews. I tried going to your site but couldn't find that either. Might I see some reviews of yours?

  • Regarding the Competition

    posishark - - Feedback


    Noirproxy, you also have to keep in mind Angry Joe does this as his job. He has the time to release more frequently. You can't compare little guys to big guys. I'm working full time and don't have the time or energy torelease that frequently. also keep in mind the creative process for each individual is completely different. Not to mention length of a review isn't as important as the content itself. I'd I can entertain and get what I need across in a shorter amount of time, then what is the diff…

  • Regarding the Competition

    posishark - - Feedback


    Apologies for any spelling errors. I'm not near a computer and on an extremely old smart phone that barely runs the site.

  • Regarding the Competition

    posishark - - Feedback


    My submission was instantly declined, simply because I don't post frequent enough. Now, while that may sound like a legit reason, its not so much here. I'm a review channel. The amount of time and effort that go into making something as complex as a review really cannot be done daily like a simple LP can. They take weeks to finish. Now this brings up a question, never in the rules did it say only LP channels. So anyone who does any sort of major scripted content like this is immediately at a hug…