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  • PewDiePie's Music List!

    Policeboxstalker - - FAQ


    Thank you, this is so nice and useful!

  • Pewdiepie: Amnesia Fanficion

    Policeboxstalker - - Archive


    Hey guys, I'm currently writing a Pewdiepie Amnesia fanfiction, the first chapter is up and currently writing the second; I've posted it on LJ and deviantART although I'll paste it below for the forum as well. Thank you, I'm just happy to write about Pewds. Title: Pewdiepie's Amnesia Nightmare Chapters: 1/? Rating: PG/M Genre: Horror, Aventure, Mystery Summary: Pewdie sits down one night to recored his usual post of Amnesia when something usual occurs. He gets sucked into a nightmare, but can he…

  • I think it's a really lovely song the bass is a little bit loud but it really is very cute :3 well done.

  • Tumblr - Youtube Community

    Policeboxstalker - - Archive


    A shoutout to all those on tumblr, I have made a tumblr community for you to follow/join if you wish where you can post your artwork, fanfictions and anything else about Pewdie! You don't need an account to post your work, so don't worry about needing to sign up for anything. It's just an easy way to collect everything together in a nice place where it's easy to see without needing to shift through loads of threads. Cheers bros. Link: Oh and my personal tumblr is linear-re…

  • Fan Community - Fanfiction

    Policeboxstalker - - Archive


    Hey bros, I was going through the fanfiction posted here and decided to find an easier way to collect it together and made a Livejournal community dedicated to youtube gamers, including Pewdiepie. So you can post basically anything fan related including fanart, fanfiction, discussion or anything just related to these guys (doesn't have to be about games). You are free to prompte your own gaming channels there and discuss gaming in general. The link is: . You don't …