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  • Do you enjoy going to school?

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    Been out of school for almost four years now and to be honest I actually miss it. You don't realize how much more freedom you have going to school then you do having to go to work every day >> Lol. There's less responsibility and you get to see your friends every day. I'd definitely go back if I could.

  • Voice Actors wanted.

    Mignonne - - Find Player 2


    Hmmm sounds interesting. I'll give it a try.

  • Complaining

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    Holleh.... you can drag me under the bed any time you want.... >> Hehe

  • Cancer. ^-^

  • Marriage

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    LIES! On a serious note, don't say that, or I will be forced to slap you. Hard. Anywho...You're still young yet with a great personality, what's not to love?

  • Tattoos

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    I absolutely love tattoos I have five. Also, I seriously despise needles as well, but it really wasn't all that bad. It shouldn't be too bad on your wrist, worst spot i'd say is the top of your foot >> though it does vary for each person. My first one was on my lower back. I had been talking about getting one as soon as I turned 18, and a friend of mine and his brother said that they knew someone that could do it. Next thing I knew we were on our way to his shop checking out tattoos. It was abou…

  • I will be sleeping...Maybe >>

  • Marriage

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    Hmmm. Age-wise, I'd like to be around 25-30. Marriage is a big step and comes with huge responsibilities ._. Also, I'd like to at least be semi-prepared financially wise, and have 'lived' a little before settling down >> How long would I wait in a relationship before marriage? It all depends on the person I'm with. I didn't really think too much about marriage in past relationships, but the thought crosses my mind quite often in the relationship I'm in now But it would definitely have to be at l…

  • Would you rather...

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    Poor and Happy. Haven't had much money my whole life, So I'm pretty sure i'll be just fine. Hehe <<

  • Are you single or in a relationship

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    Happily in a relationship <3

  • Seeing my friends and family happy, is good enough for me =P Oh, and the dinner of course! >> Lol

  • What do you want for Christmas?

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    Quote from ProjectMisfit: “A transvestite hooker. For my friend.” Suuure for your friend <_< Really believable =P All I want is for my friends and family to be happy ^-^

  • Jealousy.

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    I tend to get jealous easily, especially when it comes to someone I care deeply for. But it's not something I'm going to try and hide or change because it's a part of who I am and I'm okay with it. ^-^ Jealousy -A sentiment which is born in love and which is produced by fear that the loved person prefers someone else.

  • True Love?

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    Love to faults is always blind, Always is to joy inclined, Lawless, winged, and unconfined, And breaks all chains from every mind. ~William Blake mKeRix pretty much summed it up. Lol Love is different for everybody and only you can determine whether it's true love or not. But when you finally experience it, it's definitely amazing. ^-^

  • Smile. That or laugh at them >> Because they deserve to be laughed at, and then just walk away laughing. Forgive your enemies...nothing annoys them so much!

  • I've got nothing! >_> But maybe cookies. Actually, I've always been one to try and put everyone else before me. So I would do anything to ensure my significant others happiness. ^-^

  • Real Life

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    I'd have to say both Yeah real life can be a drag, but I have some really close friends who are always there for me. But then again I've met some amazing and wonderful people online who I've come to care deeply about. <3

  • Loosing a close pet.

    Mignonne - - Real Life


    I've lost two dogs, one from old age and the other we had to put down due to some unfortunate events. I have a cat that has been with me since I was three, I'm 21 now. and I'm pretty sure he was already 1 or 2 when we got him. So, knowing he probably doesn't have much longer scares me a little. I'm constantly worried if I'm going to come home from work one day and he will have passed. Or sometimes when he's sleeping I'll shake him awake because it seriously doesn't look like he's breathing. So e…

  • Too many to pick a favorite!!! ._. Steak would definitely be on the top of the list though >>

  • Hmmm when I'm sad I'll usually shut out the world, listen to music and write stories. Most of the time, I get the best results that way too << Music has saved me, I don't know how many times, so without it I think the world would be dead. My world anyways Lol