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  • Quote from MicoTheDarkReaper*: “As you may know you will learn to like the hospitals because hospitals are made to safe people so the can see another day of their lives because if there is not hospitals the population of earth will be severely decreased and also we need doctors and nurses to help in the hospitals” If population decreases that would be a good thing. Earth is getting over-populated. Please kill at least 20% of China/India.

  • Ever Stood Up To Bullying?

    RedDire - - Real Life


    Never seen bullying my entire life. Also, you got bullied for playing video games? Where the hell do you live? Some Amish place?

  • I just hope this Assassin isn't a complete downgrade from Ezio like Connor was. At one point you have an extremely fast Hidden Gun the next you have an extremely petty, common and useless gun that has no point anymore 'cause your enemies will just beat the living shit out of you while you're wasting 5 minutes reloading. I also hope there's more variety of weapons in this Assassin's Creed 'cause, honestly, I only switched my sword in for a dagger in AC3 and never even considering switching to any…

  • Help bring back 2007 RuneScape servers!

    RedDire - - Other


    Oh Jagex, still trying to suck everyone's wallets dry?

  • Why would you hate hospitals for you being sick? You should love hospitals because they try to help and, usually, they succeed. You should hate humans for not having a stronger immune system.

  • Pewdie's "Gay-jokes"

    RedDire - - Other


    Quote from peachvomit: “Joke = joke. My opinion. Sorry if it offends you. PS: About that other word, nigga... why is it so bad? Nigga's be like yo nigga all the time. I hope you get my point nigga.” Exactly, Africans always call themselves niggers all the time and it's fine but when someone that doesn't have a brown skin tone says it, everyone goes crazy. I don't understand. Also, to Leviathan, I just watched Slender: The Arrival all over again and you're wrong, he doesn't say "nigga".

  • Pewdie's "Gay-jokes"

    RedDire - - Other


    Quote from The_leviathan: “The new Slender LP he did and Conker's BFD. He didn't say it with the "er" at the end but with an "a". Not that I care, but I'm sure someone will.” Morons would care. Anyway, I didn't know this 'cause Conker sucks and haven't watched any LPs of it. There's no new Slender unless you mean the one from last week. Did he really say "nigga" there?

  • Pewdie's "Gay-jokes"

    RedDire - - Other


    Quote from The_leviathan: “He seems to be dropping the n-word a lot lately too.” No he doesn't, when have you heard him say that?

  • Pewdie's "Gay-jokes"

    RedDire - - Other


    I get pissed when someone starts rants about jokes. That's all they are jokes. And everyone but you, Muffin, understands that. Tons of gays watch Pewdiepie and even laugh when he calls the bro a faggot, etc. If you don't like the jokes, get out of the internet. Now.

  • Who is your favorite band/artist?

    RedDire - - Chat Box


    My favorite band is Walk off the Earth with Of Monsters and Men right below it.

  • The Most Anticipated Video Games of 2013

    RedDire - - Other


    Quote from TheEdBoys: “Does anybody know where I could find out more information about Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon??” There was a Nintendo Direct video about this. Did you see it? Apparently, this year will be allz 'bout Luigi the Pimp. Here ya go.

  • Misao (Indie 2D horror game)

    RedDire - - Suggestions


    Quote from Joker123: “This game looks FANTASTIC, I think I might have a go myself though I'm really not that into horror games. I like how they have the universes of Mad Father and this game linked, very clever. ^-^” No worries, I don't think this is even really a horror game. There's really nothing scary about it except the one and only jump scare around the beginning. This game is more about revealing the story and the mystery behind it. And, boy, there are some things that really surprise you…

  • Misao (Indie 2D horror game)

    RedDire - - Suggestions


    I bet Sen is cooking up some conspiracy game what with Ogre being in all the games. The spoiler is about the Laboratory room. If you haven't completed the room yet, don't open the spoiler: (Hidden Content)