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  • First Relationships!

    Kiki - - Real Life


    Quote from Trish-Ah: “I was seventeen ... he was twenty-four. I was young and stupid. He was immature and stupid. Thought I loved him, together for a year. My sister gets engaged, he's like "You're next" and in my head I'm like "Hell no". First warning sign. I loved him as a friend, not as more. He wanted to be with me 24/7. Second warning. He wouldn't leave me alone at work, he constantly called me, constantly texted me. I go out with my friends (guys and girls included) and he was mad. Jealous…

  • First Kiss

    Kiki - - Real Life


    My first kiss was kinda unexpected. I'm having this long distance relationship with my boyfriend. He's an Australian. Blah anyway, I was having this major exam last year that really stressed me out. I called him in sobby hiccups and he was really sweet and talked to me the entire night even he has to work tomorrow. Then the next day after finally surviving through all the tests, he actually flew all the way here and surprised me on my doorstep. We shared our first kiss on that day c:

  • Most Embarrassing Moment!

    Kiki - - Real Life


    It happened few weeks back when my boyfriend came to visit. When I was sleeping I was wearing this button up night shirt. And of course I didn't have a bra on. And the buttons on my shirt never ever stay buttons. So I guess I shuffled around a lot, and my top button came undone. My parents came in and thought my boyfriend and I was doing the nasty and yelled at us BUT WE DID NOTHING. We only cuddled :c

  • It's beautiful c': I can definitely relate to that.

  • First Relationships!

    Kiki - - Real Life


    My first relationship is with this guy named Luke from Australia. It's a long distance relationship anyway. Well uhm, he is every man I could ever ask for, need or want rolled into one big mushy human being. He's the hero thats there when I need him to protect me from scary things and to be all manly like. He's squishy and soft and sometimes I need to be all manly like and protect him, but that's nice too.He's there for me when I need him to be, even when I dont want him to. He's sexy and wonder…

  • Harvest Moon, I think? When I was 8 or 9 years old.

  • How did you find him ;)?

    Kiki - - Chat Box


    I was clicking on random videos and when it comes to Pewds, BAM, I'm hooked ._. One of the greatest thing that happened to me. His videos make me happy from the inside out. Everyday I'd be on the subscription waiting for his videos to pop out :b

  • Where are you from? ;)

    Kiki - - Chat Box


    I'm from Malaysia c: Hello bros!