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  • GAME OF THRANS - Episode 2

    roaramungous - - Videos


    Poods haven't you ever watched Wizard of Oz!? Poppys were in that. It puts people to sleep :D When Dorothy and the others were headed to the Emerald City and they all were put to sleep in the field of flowers. That's what poppies are


    roaramungous - - Videos


    Damn Marzia looks PISSED at Pewds XDD

  • Who Made This Game?! AND WHY!?!

    roaramungous - - Videos


    THIS IS A CHILD'S GAME!? Back in my day we had games like putt putt saves the zoo and Fatty Bear and even freddy fish...not how to give birth to a kid! Or how to have a cesarean section birth...CHRIST.


    roaramungous - - Videos


    this was great! more vids with you family pweese??

  • Quote from jellystripes: “These are fun! It's good you like a challenge because from what I've heard this game is pretty hard, and many people have resorted to playing on the "casual" setting. So if it ever does get TOO frustrating to the point where the challenge is not fun anymore, don't feel bad about adjusting the difficulty. I mean it's weird they just listed them as "casual" and "survival", like no in between and one that really does make it sound like people suck at games. It's true - thi…

  • Anyone know where the "Save station" song dervived from? I think it was outlast...but I could be wrong. "Save station, gotta love my save station"

  • These videos are 100x better cuz of Pewds. I love his commentary over the characters and objects he finds XDD I wouldn't watch entire series if not for him. He makes video games that I don't find all that interesting so much more fun and hilarious! By the way I'm new to this forum still learning the ropes Hope to be a big part on here!