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  • Calling avid metal bros!~

    nicolaisidek - - Media


    Aww man, the responses! Haha! Well the Bros I can relate to so far would be Guacamolebro and Kirill666. I generally do not listen to mainstream bands and it's usually melodic death, melodic/progressive death, power, blackened death and folk metals. Gotherburg and Finnish music are the best but I'm really diverse in the songs/genres I listen to. Let's see... favourites (according to my Last FM) would be: Melodic Death Metal - Dark Tranquillity (seen + talked to them), Insomnium, In Flames, Haggar…

  • Calling avid metal bros!~

    nicolaisidek - - Media


    Haha! You guys are fucking awesome. Any favourite bands/genre? Links to your Last FM profiles would be nice too (if you have one). Yeah, I don't expect Felix to listen I'm just wondering if he's familiar with the metal scene in Sweden. I mean Gothenburg Death Metal should be a thing there, no? And At the Gates just released their title track 'At War with Reality' and it's AMAZING.

  • Calling avid metal bros!~

    nicolaisidek - - Media


    Felix obviously has a stupidly huge fan base so I was wondering how many of you primarily listen to metal? Being an avid listener for a good 7 years now to Swedish greats like Dark Tranquillity, At the Gates, In Flames (old) and Arch Enemy. I wonder if Pewds himself listens to metal? My Last FM profile:

  • Why do you love pewds?

    nicolaisidek - - Bro Corner


    It's the hair. Definitely the hair~