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  • Don't have too many games, but eh, I do with what I get.

  • Favourite games of all time?

    MightyFan217 - - Other


    Platformer: NES: Super Mario Bros.. Well, to be fair I've never beaten it, but as an old school platformer, it certainly still lives up to today's standards quite well. SNES: Super Mario World. First Mario game to have Yoshi, and he's a WONDERFUL addition since with either one of the Power Ups and Yoshi, you have 4 hits for HP total until you die, not to mention how powerful Yoshi is depending on the kind of Yoshi you get. An awesome game for the SNES, but needs a better save function (Which it …

  • Turok Evolution for the Gamecube, and any other Turok game from Dinosaur Hunter to Seeds of Evil. Well, to be fair the only bits M Rated were the gore in the game, though the graphics weren't very good in this department either. The game is mediocre at best, and the only reason I kept it around in my library was for the fact the multiplayer I had tons of fun with, since usually I'd outrun every weapon my friend had while player as a Velociraptor and slashing their guts out. If you get this game …

  • Great Steam Games?

    MightyFan217 - - Other


    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and it's expansions and DLC. Definitely an award winning game like it deserves to be. I will say the voice acting is a bit repetitive, because most of the characters sound like they not only have the same voice actor, but also have the same voices, and if you travel around a lot you'll see this for sure in a lot of places. I will say though, the gameplay experience is well done, though sometimes glitches can get in the way if you're not careful. However, don't expect …

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    Well, it's been a while since I updated this topic. Well, to be fair, college has been keeping me busy, thus preventing me working on the game as much, but even then I still need to figure out the proper coding for the features I want to do with this game, and I think I can't use either Game Maker nor RPG Maker for this, as the Level Cap from Gen V and onward will 1,000, which I think I'll have to custom code it myself. I DO, on the other hand, have some news at least. Every story has it's villa…

  • Skype!

    MightyFan217 - - Find Player 2


    dragora.galaxia I tend to like Skype calls a little too much, so feel free to add me if you do as well but I may or may not be as much of a talker as I sometimes may appear to be.

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    Another update on things. Updates will mainly focus on Gen I, II, and III, since if the development of PZ takes longer than expected, I'll make up for it by releasing the later generations earlier, like, early as in the same day as Gen I if possible. So with that, Gen I, II, and III are being focused on at the same time. Currently, I'm working on a list of Zauridons for the 3rd Gen, though only a few of the sprites are done yet. (Hidden Content)

  • Post Your Epic Internet Speed!

    MightyFan217 - - Chat Box


    2413365684.png Meh, not that much, but gets the job done for what I do.

  • Taurus. Sort of identical to the description of it as to how I am.

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    Quote from TheAlphaTurkey: “Well, that's still pretty close to a Turkey "All Zauridons drop cash at least, but only Wild ones drop anything else such as the Eggs, but they don't always drop the eggs because I'm still working on how that mechanic works." Would this not be in theory like how in Pokemon you cannot capture another trainers pokemon? The egg from that Zauridon could "belong" to that trainer, meaning that you wouldn't just take it. If Zauridon was wild however, when "knocked out" or "d…

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    Quote from SirNubCake: “"#025 Grandis (Taurus Armor) (Uber Legendary) (Secret 100% Final Boss)" Not so secret now .... But keep working on this thing, it may be I guess "based" on Pokemon but good stuff going on. :v” Well, the thing is that Grandis, nor Dragora and Terranadrosus before him, are mentioned in-game at all UNTIL the requirements needed to activate their events are met. Not events as in Pokemon events, HECK NO regarding THAT. I want all the Zauridons to be obtainable in fair and easy…

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    Well then, I do recall you wanted a bit of backstory. Since I'm not really a good person to keep secrets honestly, I guess I can probably spoil the whole story ahead of time knowing that this won't be anywhere near finished for quite some time. By quite some time I mean a few years UNLESS I can figure out all the remaining kinks hindering me at the moment within a year's time. For starters, before ANYTHING programming wise can start, I'd need the full version of Game Maker (Not a fan of the way …

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    So while I thought about how the game mechanics would work other than standard RPG stuffs, I decided to finish the 2nd Generation sprites ahead of time. A total of 40 Zauridons (Five of which have alternate modes/differences) compared to the 1st Gen's 25. (Hidden Content) First Row: #026: Dimetrosaur (Dimetrodon) (Attack Starter) #027: Titanodon (Titanoboa) (Speed Starter) #028: Smilosaur (Smilodon) (Defense Starter) #029: Megasteus (Dunkleosteus) (MP Starter) #030: Platydros (Platybelodon) (HP …

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    Quote from Akisha: “Quote from Akisha: “The house....idk that sounds too... random. I don't think how that would fit in a battle game xD One question. If when you defeat them, they drop an egg. When you meet someone else with Zauridons won't his ones drop an egg when they are defeated? xD” If they don't , you will need a logical explanation for it. ^ xD” All Zauridons drop cash at least, but only Wild ones drop anything else such as the Eggs, but they don't always drop the eggs because I'm still…

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    Quote from TheAlphaTurkey: “Make a turkey Zauridon, and I will love you An idea could be, buying a "house" for a Zauridon, and then it randomly gives you items or eggs. Better houses give better things, and so on. I dunno, just an idea :P” Well, not exactly a turkey, but the 2nd Gen has a Therizinosaur-like Zauridon that's modeled after such birds: (Hidden Content) Though as to that last part, I've actually been working on such an idea, but how I'm handling it I don't know yet.

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    Quote from Akisha: “Oh that's cool then. I still think it needs a back story. Like of everything, the world in general.” Well, currently it's a WIP but the backstory is expanded with each of the Generations. The story for the first generation goes something like this: -The universe started with nothing. Only a single being by the name of Dragora existed at the beginning. From it's void-like mouth, it expelled it's own powers and created the universe in the process. -Dragora then creates the powe…

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    It's not an exact copy, trust me. There's plenty of differences that set it apart from Pokemon. I can list a few right now since these are the current plans: -To obtain Zauridons, you must fight against the Zauridon you want until they drop an [Zauridon Name Here] Egg, which can be hatched into a baby Zauridon. Young Zauridons start off rather weak, but once they level-up a bit they reach adult size and thus full power. -The starters are based on the five stats (Attack, Speed, Defense, MP, HP, i…

  • Project: Zauridon

    MightyFan217 - - Archive


    Well, since I was mainly here for both updates on what Pewdie is doing and to get to know some of the people around here, I may as well post something I'm trying to get more attention to. PROJECTZAURIDON.png Basically a turn based RPG modeled after Pokemon in gameplay, with a few other traits from other RPGs in mind. The game won't cost anything when it's done, just getting the game done will be the main problem. While the first Generation includes only 25 Zauridons, the next few will add a whol…