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  • Amazing Gaming Pc!

    TheTechDweller - - Archive


    Hello, sorry for the maybe misleading title but if you are reading this then please read on and don't think this is some kind of ploy! My name is Nathan and I have wanted to be a pc gamer for years now. But I am an idiot in many ways (not in intelligence)! I try to save up but being the annoying immature 12 year old I was, kept getting distracted and buying crap! I am now saving up for a budget pc that is able to play games like skyrim, battlefield but maybe not on ULTRA UNNECESSARY GRAPHICS! (:…

  • Gaming pc help!

    TheTechDweller - - Other


    A little over my price range but I will take your advice... Is that graphics card able to play the latest games, skyrim ect...?

  • Gaming pc help!

    TheTechDweller - - Other


    I am going to record so that is why I need a big hard drive... just saying, thanks for info. Budget is around £300 can go further though, just have to wait longer... I am going to get the same GPU as you have... could you explain a little more of the GPU/graphics card thing. And the power supply.

  • Gaming pc help!

    TheTechDweller - - Other


    Hello, my name is Nathan. I am in need of some help, I want to buy all the parts needed for a decent gaming pc. Here is what I know: 1. I know I need a processor, I am getting the intel I5 2. I know I need RAM, I am getting around 8GB 3. I know I need a graphics card, I am getting (probably) a Nvidia geforce GTX560 4. I will get a case. 5. I am getting 1 or 2 TB of hard drive space. What else do I need? (ps I have all the extra stuff, monitor, mouse, keyboard, I am getting some new headphones as…

  • This game is being released for beta soon. It is a medevil multiplayer fighting game. It is like battlefield 3 with swords and horses. The game has fighting mechanics like mount and blade. If you are thinking of signing up please use this link: If I get 5 people to sign up using that link I get my place secured in the beta. If pewdiepie wanted to play, he could easily ask his bros to sign up and get him 5 referrals. Please have a look this game lo…

  • Ok, Half life 2 is really cheap, £7. Not sure what currency is in Sweden but £7 is cheap here.

  • Quote from PurpelPumpkin: “I think this is something I am looking for myself as well. So I'll go ahead and give you some info. I've been a gamer for about all my life, I come from Sweden, so GMT +1, I've been speaking or at least been learning English since I was 4 so I speak it perfectly fine, just throwing that out there since you seem like a person who is picky with people, figured that'd help you out. I recently bought a new mic, it gives off great sound, at least I think it does even though…

  • Alright, I will edit thanks.

  • Hey, my name is Nathan, I have a youtube channel just starting out I want some mates to play games with and I will upload the videos to mah channel. I like playing solo (style bitches :D) but multiplayer brings the best out in me! I would prefer if you had a decent mic. Mine isn't all that great but it isn't some shitty built in laptop mic. So reply here or pm me your skype so I can add you. Just tell me a bit about you here as well. You must be with in 2 hours of my …