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  • Greenscreen Competition!

    Scrattle - - Content Creation


    I went quite a bit over the 1 minute. I'm sorry man. If it disqualifies me I understand. Cheers Poods. Hf in Japan.

  • Shoutout Competition

    Scrattle - - Other


    Haha. It's been so long since this thread was made and it just struck me. Once I stopped being super anxious about it I just started some new series on the channel n stuff and whooptie doo 200 or more extra subs since then, and it just keeps growing. It motivated me so hard to just hit it extra hard Regardless of this thing ever happening it's been a cool motivator. Cheers everyone! Work on your channels as if you're in a competition; I mean. If you love making videos ofc. That's what it's all a…

  • Shoutout Competition

    Scrattle - - Other


    Ey that's cool man. Take your time. You've been working a lot to give us "Scare pewdiepie" and so on! Can't wait to hear the announcement video

  • Shout Out Competition #3

    Scrattle - - Other


    Name: Stefan Siggaard Andersen Channel name: ScrattleGG YouTube Video: (Hidden Content) Quick Description: I'll have a go at the wall of dicks! Hi everyone my name is Stefan and I'm currently 20 years old. I do the let's play, vlog, challenge, livestream... I do it all man yup ^_^v I've been doing youtube for almost exactly two years now, gosh it does really not seem that long. I've been keeping a pretty frequent upload rate of about 1-2 videos a day which is also why the video I want to represe…