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  • Survivers Gameplay :( Co-op Slender

    KingMeyJaX - - Archive


    So my group decided to do try that Survivers game, oh god it was scary...

  • Me and two other friends played Ghost hunt, considering all three of us are easily scared this was horrifying for us, although many people I've shown seemed to love it. It was our first video together and it was originally uploaded on my channel last year, we were big fans of PewDiePie at the time so there is a few jokes / references made

  • Ahh yes, I have had a go at this game. It was indeed incredibly fun and even better with friends, although with friends you may gain some "trust" issues afterwards haha

  • Hey everyone my group started up a let's play on L4D2 on this Zelda themed map. Would be awesome if you guys could check it out

  • Well I know what my next let's play is gonna be, lol I really hope PewDiePie plays this one. Looks like a game that will induce plenty of rage.

  • What Are You Listening To?

    KingMeyJaX - - Chat Box


    All the Small Things - Blink 182

  • Slenderman's Shadow Hospice Attempt

    KingMeyJaX - - Archive


    I decided to give the new map Hospice an attempt... scariest thing I've ever done this year in gaming T.T

  • Dayhard Half Life 2 Mod

    KingMeyJaX - - Archive


    I am currently doing a let's play on this mod, but upon playing it I thought it would be an excellent mod for PewDie to play! It's a pretty fun and humorous game, I got a feeling Pewdz will get a kick outta it so here is the download link for more information:…view=Reviews.Detail&id=12

  • Well essentially what the subject suggests What was the first game you played and how old were you at the time? The first game I ever played would probably be the first Sonic the Hedgehog game when I was 4-5

  • Favorite main character?

    KingMeyJaX - - Other


    Neku from "The World Ends With You"

  • I personally felt the Kingdom Hearts series always had great music, I also enjoy the soundtrack on almost all Sonic games. However at this current moment I am obsessed with the OST from The World Ends With You!

  • So I am actually advertising my own channel and my group channel. I will follow the template providing as best as I can. KingMeyJaX's gaming channel: I am 18 years old, turning 19 in 6 days. In terms of the genres of my videos I guess they would be comedy (to some extent) and a mix of horror (I play horror games). I am doing these videos in my spare time for as long as I possibly can for my own personal fun and mainly to entertain my friends, albeit I decided to advertise it here as well as I th…