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  • Any bros play killing floor?

    Finbro - - Find Player 2


    Yeah I do play occasionaly. Add tounitsu

  • Forum Guidelines

    Finbro - - Archive


    We need more admins/modes. There must be someone checking the shoutbox, all the times. Its getting out the hands once per day atleast. And great post.

  • Learning Swedish

    Finbro - - Help


    I could teach finnish !11

  • Tell me who you are!

    Finbro - - Chat Box


    Quote from JreevesS13: “I'm Jacob I'm a professional Firefighter at a small department in Kentucky. I play ideo games a bit and I'm a drift nut so when I'm not working or watching pewdie vids I'm out working on my car and practicing.” Cool bro! Lifesaver in tha hoods

  • Mass Effect 3

    Finbro - - Other


    Im so pumpdh! Waiting it, totally. Loved 1&2.

  • Quote from PurpelPumpkin: “I fully agree with you Finbro, I've tried to talk some sense into some of them, and warned a few because of their vulgar language. But regulations need to be made, it is highly disturbing having to read about people planning to rape each other when they're minors, not that it more okay for adults to say such things but it's more dis-.. you get it.” Yeah I totally get it. Well I'm glad that I'm not alone with this. Well, together we are able to make shoutbox to work, wa…

  • Have you guys seen chatbox lately? Well ofcourse you've had, but what they are talking about in it? Blowjobs, piggy rubbin', piggy doing all sort of dirty things, talking about how horny everyone is etc. Seriously, what the.. as I'm perhaps one of the oldest bros here, watching junior-bros talking that way makes me feel sick. 1. I can't really participate you in that chat, i'm 20 and even readin'how horny some 14 old girl is makes me feel so pedophile.. 2. It's just wrong.. i've seen bros age of…

  • The Yearly Bro Award!!

    Finbro - - Suggestions


    I think "Bro-Awards" and dealing with whos nominated belongs to pewdie and hes fellows, not us.

  • Tell me who you are!

    Finbro - - Chat Box


    Damn I'm happy to see so many people to answer in this one! Brofist to you my loves!

  • Quote from 8bituzz: “Quote from karlsanada10: “I'd love to but nah, I guess I don't want to be one also. I hate responsibilities, kinda.xD What are the benefits of becoming a moderator anyway?” If you hate responsibilities and you are looking for benefits of becoming a moderator then that will definitely make you not be chosen to be a moderator. A moderator does what he/she does not for personal fame or any selfish reason, but to help out the community.” Pretty much perfect answer for anyone who…

  • Quote from karlsanada10: “I'd love to but nah, I guess I don't want to be one also. I hate responsibilities, kinda.xD What are the benefits of becoming a moderator anyway?” Satisfaction of helping something and someone.

  • [WEST] League Of Legends

    Finbro - - Find Player 2


    Aww dang! Ill be able to play next week perhaps, i'll add you all then!

  • Skype!

    Finbro - - Find Player 2


    Damn I'm more like msn messenger dude :l Well, if someone wants to contact me, ask me my private message so we can hook up.

  • Quote from Angel: “Quote from Finbro: “No offence bros, but I think majority of us (bros) are maybe too childis to be mod/admin. If I were asked what admin should have in hes sleeves: - Atleast 18 years old (sorry junior-bros) - Fluent, or maybe quite close perfect english. (as theres all kind of differend nationalities here, this is MUST! But still, I don't mean that everyone in UK should be admin) - Innovative, comes up with new upgrades for the site. - Doesn't choose any sides. - Knows the ba…

  • No offence bros, but I think majority of us (bros) are maybe too childis to be mod/admin. If I were asked what admin should have in hes sleeves: - Atleast 18 years old (sorry junior-bros) - Fluent, or maybe quite close perfect english. (as theres all kind of differend nationalities here, this is MUST! But still, I don't mean that everyone in UK should be admin) - Innovative, comes up with new upgrades for the site. - Doesn't choose any sides. - Knows the basics about being admin (or atleas is ve…

  • How's It Goin' Bro's? ;>

    Finbro - - Chat Box


    Lot's of cute girls here, am I even allowed to participate in this thread :l

  • Where are you from? ;)

    Finbro - - Chat Box


    As a Finbro, im from freaking finland yo!

  • Tell me who you are!

    Finbro - - Chat Box


    Quote from James: “O hai I'm James. I'm 13 and I watch PewDie all the time. I play CS:S like a mad bastard along with TF2 and I started using steam 3 years ago :3. I'm still in school and I want to follow this forum as much as possible since it's the best place on EARTH. -BROOFISSSTT-” Cool bro, I used to play CS before too, got sponsors and shit. Just remember to hold with your team, dont switch it all the times!

  • What are you doing right now?

    Finbro - - Chat Box


    Listening music, watching gameplay video from last game and picking mah nose.

  • Tell me who you are!

    Finbro - - Chat Box


    So basicly my bros, objective you need to do, is tell to me, us and to everybody who you are, what you do and all kind of interesting shiet! Ill start because I know im so amazing and interesting person and you can't wait to hear about me! Alright, well lets start with easy things. Getting closer with 20th birthday, just moved to Turku (also known as the asshole of finland), the ex-capital of Finland. I quit occupational school because it wasn't for me, and at this moment im working as bouncer. …