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  • My youtube channel!

    DariusK9 - - Archive


    Good stuff. I see you also use an Elgato HD Game Capture? Great capture card haha, I'm liking your stuff. Keep up the good work.

  • Give me some..

    DariusK9 - - Real Life


    Love everybody you possibly can. Stay open minded about the world, even if you have been close minded your whole life. If you try both these things you will generally find yourself to be happier person because love and open mindedness supports whatever could possibly happen with people or events.

  • Rate this PC

    DariusK9 - - Technology


    Yea like everyone else said, the CPU will be your lacking factor but considering most games don't need alot of graphic power you probably are going to be able to run most games on high minus the few graphically known titles such as Bioshock, Crysis, Metro and ect.

  • Ram Or VGA ??

    DariusK9 - - Technology


    You might actually see a nice increase of performance by upgrading the ram. This is considering you don't have a 32 bit OS, as performance won't flex as well with the upgrade. Someone mentioned to just buy a new computer? Well if you can't afford it you should just upgrade some more ram.

  • The Walking Dead and Kingdom Hearts.....Yes.

  • IRL: The average suburban. Yiss. Fictional: Estheria XD

  • Alone : 3D Horror

    DariusK9 - - Content Creation


    It sounds promising minus all the setbacks haha. Keep up the good work. I think a game where you actually find the batteries for your flashlight would be kinda cool.

  • Video editing

    DariusK9 - - Technology


    Premiere? My old highschool teaches with premiere. It's not extremely hard to learn, plus it varies by user. Vegas is nice, but my recommendation is Premiere. Especially if he owns an Nvidia card. I mean, to each his own and all.

  • Windows 8

    DariusK9 - - Technology


    haha it's true Microsoft was using windows 7 to preview their games. Personally I don't think 8 is efficient to work with, especially when you have things to do. I don't like all the apps that come installed with it, I don't like the home screen, and I don't even know if it's faster or even the same speed. I know alot of this can be changed, but why should I change it just so it can look and feel like 7 without actually buying 7? That's silly lol. So I vote 7.

  • Buying a new desktop

    DariusK9 - - Technology


    I'd start with your budget. Set a maximum amount of money you want to spend, and then start planning out what parts you need. That way you can adjust either parts or price forwhat you're building. just a small recommendation.

  • You guys depress me recommending Alienware haha. jkjk. Anyways I would take a good look at MSI laptops as they have some really good stuff. Lenovo and Asus as well. Alienware is not the only brand for game laptops....

  • Looking for a mic.

    DariusK9 - - Technology

    Post…04&sr=8-2&keywords=At2020 I have this microphone, and it's about all I can recommend. It's really clear, and I've never had any problems with the mic itself, just the programs that utilize the mic. Which thats expected to happen as programs aren't perfect. Anyways I'd recomend it. Alot of clarity, and I never hear noise except when my computer is louder than normal haha.

  • Video editing

    DariusK9 - - Technology


    I use Premiere Pro CS6. It's faster and more efficient for me due to it utilizing CUDA cores from my Nvidia card, and the real world is about quality and efficiency right? Plus it has most every option for transitions and color correcting you might need. I've never had any issues with it. I find it's nice to work with, and the fact it works VERY well with its other adobe brothers such as photoshop (which I use alot to create pictures for the video, or for special effects" and after effects. It j…

  • Help! Xbox One or PS4?

    DariusK9 - - Technology


    Xbox has changed their policies after saying they can't....personally I don't like how Microsoft has gone about this, and I don't want to support something that was about to make us pay full retail price for USED games. I'd either go PC (better pc can be bough below Xbox One costs) or PS4. Cause PS4 looks decent enough.

  • Personally anything that gets TOO up into your face/camera. Because I can see all the pixels in the texture and it just doesn't scare me. I think it's better if the monster 2 feet away or something and swipes at you, or pops out of no where really fast. It just depends how fast the monster does this I guess.

  • Pewdiepie Dream House (Sims 2)

    DariusK9 - - Content Creation


    Some Jennifer and Piggy? haha that'd be amusing. I like the other ideas you have alot haha. It needs lots of rave chairs.

  • Ok I love pixel art, and I appreciate people like you who has the time to do all this! But why not make some pixel art in MC from actual pixel art? I mean it's easy to use one that's already been made in MC, so it's the most efficient way, but I think it would be more interesting with just a picture of pixel art and you trying to figure out how to work that into MC. Idk just my two cents. I like that your second episode had more commentary.

  • What's your internet speed?

    DariusK9 - - Technology


    2791379103.png It sucks uploading youtube videos. Especially at 1080p Edit: It's actually really funny because comcast is the fastest internet I can get where I live bwaha.