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  • There are some certain trolls (Who are tricking most off you) They get youtube partnership and put ads on the videos, then they start posting random comment's like: "REASONS WHY PEWDIEPIE SUCK: 1. MY VIDEOS ARE BETTER 2. HES GILFRIEND IS UGLY 3. HE SUCKS 4. HE SCREAMS LIKE A LITTLE GIRL" And so on. Why do they post this? So that people will check out their videos / post their hate on it. What you dont realise is that by the time you have posted your hate comment, the ad is finished and the troll…

  • Weird skills & Quirks

    NoSoul4Evr - - Real Life


    I can eat whatever I want without gaining fat. I can allmost dunk. Ohh, I can withstand more pain than a normal human. (Had surgery when I was a kid because off some water pressure in my head. Dont know the details, but it's useless and usefull at the same time)