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  • Congratulations, Pewdie! <3

    MrStopTeme - - Bro Corner


    You finally did it! You actually got to 50M subs! Nicely done, Poods! I'm so proud of you and of the broarmy! Keep up the good work, just as always Stay awesome (dat dab thou) P.s. Salvage the videos! I rushed to rewatch some of your greatest ones in the last few days, but I'm going to miss them sooo much if you delete the channel... Still, I'm all the way with ya UPDATE: Should've seen it coming... I mean, I bet he recorded when he deleted jacksep…

  • Pewdiepie Meme Competion

    MrStopTeme - - Content Creation


    Bro army STRONK


    MrStopTeme - - Videos


    Here are a few of my ideas: (wich i think that many other bros may have said or are going to say some of them,but whatevs)- You should have the ability to Brofist people,so they join your army. - You should have companions, like Edgar or Maya... - You should have boss battles,like Barrels and stuff... - Your enemies could be the bro/grunt from Amnesia,the barrels, zombies, Herobrine, Saw, some unknown spirit, Slenderman, Jack the Killer and so forth... - There should be NPCs that you would have …