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  • Mr.Hat's YouTube Channel!

    MrHat987 - - Archive


    He lives in California I think I could be horribly wrong, and if I am i'm sorry. Point is I live in nova scotia, canada. I was talking to him on skype while playing the game.

  • Mr.Hat's YouTube Channel!

    MrHat987 - - Archive


    Maybe you guys could suggest things for me to do, like game reviews, make up tutorials ( please don't agree just using make up tutorial as an example), Read stories, I don't think people are into vlogs anymore... I could be wrong.

  • Mr.Hat's YouTube Channel!

    MrHat987 - - Archive


    I don't have a webcam, and even if I did I don't have a video editor that does that. Being poor only gets me windows movie maker. Will not pay $400 for Vegas Pro, or get it illegally. Also my recorder for some bloody reason only recorded 7 seconds of Survivors. So the footage I got was from his recording. I work with what I got. I just need to get off my lazy ass, get a job, and buy an actual gaming computer.

  • Mr.Hat's YouTube Channel!

    MrHat987 - - Archive


    Hello everyone, My name is Mr.Hat, and I love playing video games, and always will. I hope you enjoy my videos, and the many adventures we will be going on and have already been on. I am 20 years old. I play horror, RPGs, first person shooters, classics, and many more. I started... Id say a week before halloween of last year. Unfortunately I had to stop for 7ish months due to family issues. So as of this moment I only have 45 uploaded videos. I will be playing many let's plays, and i'm very open…

  • Your First Crush?

    MrHat987 - - Real Life


    Back in grade 2 i asked someone this girl I liked. To ask her if she wanted to go out. We use to talk and laugh all the time so I though she would say yes. Instead someone gave me a note from her with a stick figure being hung, and writing saying I would rather die.

  • What is your favorite anime/manga?

    MrHat987 - - Chat Box


    I love death note, and higurashi. Death note takes first place.

  • Can I ask you professional opinion? :D

    MrHat987 - - Help


    You may need more ram, because fraps gives me extreme issues, like lag, and I have 4 gigs of ram. I'm planning on spending around $150 to get two sticks of 8 gig ram.

  • Why you live?

    MrHat987 - - Real Life


    Quote from Yami Sweet: “Some of you say love: why? What makes love so ... important for life?” I wish I could answer that. I can only guess, and this is my opinion. That it's amazing waking up, and knowing that there is someone waiting for you, someone who wants to know how your day went, makes try for your very best, some one you can talk to about anything in the world, someone to laugh or cry with, and maybe get married, have a child, and grow old together. That's just my opinion.

  • Why you live?

    MrHat987 - - Real Life


    I don't care what some people may think, but honestly my girlfriend is the reason I live. Getting up, and calling her laughing, and talking. We like totally opposite things. I just wish we could see each other more often. If it wasn't for her I would have dropped out of high school. High school was a mess for me. Home life, school life, just terrible. When I met her she gave me a reason to keep coming to school. To see her, and see if we could have a relationship, but she is why i'm alive today.…

  • Quote from Jake123: “Magikarp that thing is so badass.” I know right. Splash 1 hit K.O. everything! Quote from Jake123: “ ”

  • It depends for me. I may listen to sad music for hours, Watch horror movies, EAT, but the one thing that always happen when i'm sad is I become unsociable. I won't talk to anyone.

  • Sad Music.

    MrHat987 - - Chat Box


    Why is it when i'm sad, depressed, angry, anything but happy, that sad music makes me feel better. Is that just me or do you guys get the same thing? If it's not just me does anyone know why?

  • Quote from Dovah: “My favourite Pokémon, hmmn It's a tough call but I think it's none of them, you see, I've grown up.” I think growing up sucks. I hate it. What I would give to be the ignorant little child again. So i'm going to hold on to this one small thing until the day I die. Besides there are far worst things to like then Pokemon.

  • My girlfriends is a shiny mareep. She spent so long trying to get it. shiny_mareep__pixel_over__by_mizuxhime-d3cg57c.png

  • I've only seen him in the show Frasier. Has he done anything else. Not to be rude or anything. I'm just curious.

  • What is YOUR story ?

    MrHat987 - - Real Life


    Well lets see where do I begin? Well I guess ill start with my old babysitter. Her kids would torture the living shit out of me, and my brother they went so far as to locking me and my brother in a dog cage for about an hour. My mom, and dad split up. later my mom started dating some prick that all he did was smoke dope, and yell at everyone. Also I found out that everyone on my moms side of the family was into some sort of drugs. Crack, cocaine, heroine, weed you name it. This saddens me becaus…

  • Favorite Season!!

    MrHat987 - - Chat Box


    Hey everyone, Whats your favorite season? Winter, summer, fall, or spring. Mine would have to be winter. I hate bugs, like spiders, and ants, but I really love swimming in the summer. I guess that's why they made indoor pools. Anyways whats your favorite season?

  • I am jealous of the people who get 100 in a matter of a couple months. I have been doing this for like 8 months and I only have 5.

  • Mine would have to be the Nintendo 64, because it was my very first system along with my very first game Turok rise of oblivion. So so so many memories.

  • Hello everyone, I have always wanted to have some kind of super power. The power I wanted changes from day to day, but for the past year I would like to have the power to shape shift. I could turn into any living thing, like a tiger, or a grisly bear. Anyways what would like to have for a super power, and you can only have ONE.