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  • I lost it when he said "Share it on Facebook." hahaha!

  • Quote: “No worries, I actually like long replies and thanks for sharing by the way! Your friends sound very considerate of your introversion. Some would find it strange that you need time to yourself or wouldn't really understand how you could overstimulate someone but I'm glad for you that they do I have one more question, if you'll indulge me: do you feel being an extravert or an introvert has an interlaced connection with your confidence?” Good to know! Haha! I'm thankful for having them. It'…

  • Quote: “It's interesting that there would be so many changes in your -version. I wonder, did you feel overstimulated during your high school and those college years? Did you really love having company and felt recharged during that one year of college?I don't mean to pry so answer to your comfort, of course ” I don't mind at all. I'm always down sharing experiences High school was too stimulating for me to get out of my shell. Having to deal with being a foreigner and the language barrier along …

  • Used to be an Introvert in high school. Then an extrovert for one year in college then an introvert till my 3rd year in college. Then became an ambivert (occasionally leaning to introvert) in my last year of college up to this day.